
My dad is driving my crazy!?

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my dad got back sugery about a month ago... which means he will be home non-stop for the next 3-6 months!! i used to play the flute and hated it but i did it for 3 years for him... and i quit last year... he keeps bugging me cause i dont practice and i never feel like reading his stupid political books and im not very smart... he is driving me insane and i dont think i can take his drama any more!!! he always wants me to go on walks down our street like every day!!! any ideas how to get him off my back???




  1. Look i know this happens although this never happened to me but all your dad wants is that you follow in his footsteps but you are interested in other things, i know this sounds like a bad idea BUt if u sit down and talk to him POLITELY  he will understand! u just have to tell him that you are interested in (the thing you are interested in) and that you cannot understand politics!

  2. no offense, but sound like a spoiled brat. Your poor cant even do those things for him. i mean, whats a walk going to do to you? Just be grateful you have a dad, and stop complaining!

  3. Yeah. Be grateful you have a dad.

    My dad died two summers ago.

    And I would do anything to have him back.

  4. Grow up. Be grateful you even have a dad.

  5. tell him.

    he's your dad.  his feelings might be hurt but he'll get over it.

    you shouldnt be bored to death for the next half a year!!

    besides, school starts soon, so it shouldnt be that bad

    good luck♥

  6. i think he is doing the right i always read and i am smart but not sooooooooo smart i read he wants you to be smart

  7. he's your dad dude he wants to spend time with you

  8. your biggest problem is you not your dad

    you are selfish and think only of your self and are not doing anything for your future or education

  9. I'm torn between calling you selfish and sympthizing for you. I was kinda in the same boat. When my grandma was alive she lived with us and she'd ask me to come in and spend time with her in her room. And I'd go and brush her hair and she'd tell me stories and then she started teaching me algebra (in 6th grade!). It was so boring at first. and then frustrating. But then she told me sotries of her and my ancestors and of her childhood and life. We'd end usually with both of us crying and it got really deep and I got so much better relationship with her. I miss her so much. But she taught me a lot and I try t o make her proud

  10. i would go out shopping for 5 hours every day!..x nah, i  love my dad, but i know how you must feel, but just view it like this, he wont be around forever, so make the most of now!

  11. I am not going to lecture you but I'm 10 and just be lucky your dad is in your life unlike my dad I do not see anymore.Tell him VERY MATURELY that you do not like it walk down your street everyday it is VERY GOOD QUALITY time with your dad and tell him all you feeling but do not let the conversation end like this please do not.



    YOU:I would want you to get off my back

    Dad:What do you mean

    You:well i do not want to read politics

    Rest of the conversation I do not know

  12. Tell him that you really don't like doing those things!! I had the same problems with my mom! But yeah he'll get sooner or later. Good Luck ;)

  13. Talk to him about how you feel. If that sounds like a bad idea then let him know about something your interested in and let him know how keen you are with your things not his.

    Walks could be a good thing for you to get away from him?

    Dont listen to the people saying your selfish, cos your not, how does not wanting to do something you dont like selfish? If you ask me your dad is the selfish one, as hes not thinking about what you want hes just thinking about what he wants for you.

  14. kill him then it is over with!

  15. tell him that u hav better more entertainging things todo.

  16. Wow.

    If he's really bugging you about being smart and playing the flute etc sit him down and talk with him.

    And grow the **** up. I'd do ANYTHING to have my dad back. Unlike your dad he DIDN'T come back from surgery.

  17. well, all i can say is just to talk to him. NICELY though. say, "dad, i have my own opinions, and i would like it if u respected that." something like that.

    good luck! :)

  18. XD same problem Try to express ur fellings to him and tell him how u fell about it. If he  happy accept  yay (like me). NO ur screwed

  19. Choose to have power to choose.

    In other words, allow yourself to "choose" your own attitude for the day.   Do not let outside influences take control over you.  You can choose to have any attitude about things you want.  You are not a slave to the influences of others.  

    For example, if this  was a cute boyfriend telling you to do all of these things, you would probably do them without issue.  Why?  Because you are "choosing" to respond to the bf in the way you want to.

    "Choose" to have a happy mood with your dad.  You have it in you.

  20. Go to your friends house

    Hopefully your dad wouldnt be there.

    Do something outside away from your dad like go watch a movie, shopping, or window shop.

  21. tell him how you feel

    my dad use to be like that to me and it was really annoying  

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