
My daughter hates baths!!!?

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My 2 year old daughter used to love getting baths. Now, for about the past week, whenever I give her a bath she starts screaming like she is dying. What can I do to get her to love baths again??




  1. Hey, I just wanted to tell you im so proud of your 16 with a 2 year old girl that must be hard, well you should make it fun like you go in there with her get a bath radio get some rubber duckies and toys and some bubble bath and sing and splash the water thats how I got Ashley to do it. It very fun and maybe singing this song its called splish splash im taking a bath

  2. let her go without a bath for as longs as she wants and plant radish seeds on her arms when the dirt get's thick then pull out the grown raddishes.

    it worked for ms.piggle-wiggle


  3. why is this in adolescent?

  4. Get bath toys, or sweet smelling soaps. Make it fun.

  5. talk to her calmly and ask why she doesnt want a bath

    or just tell her its gonna ok the waters not gonna hurt her..

  6. Give her lots of toys to play in the water so she would be distracted.

  7. something has happened that makes her scared or out of control in the bath, maybe she had a bad dream? Try to ask her if shes in pain ( you havent changed soaps have you ) What i would suggest is bringing the fun back in to bath time, Toys, some singing or some story telling in the bath. Try to keep her busy so she stops concentrating on whatever is making her distressed about the bath... goog luck!

  8. Hi,

    Well make bath time a fun time.

    Tell her stories in the bath, add bubbles and buy some really fun toys.

    Also check she is not allergic to any soaps or bath scents as they may be stinging her young body.

    If she has a plastic dolly or something that can have a bath with her then maybe you can say

    "look, dolly isn't crying and dolly is having a really fun time!"

    Give her reward when she doesn't cry and just keep trying!

    Or she can have a shower with you if she prefers that!

    Hope I helped and Good Luck!

  9. Maybe she just wants to try something new, maybe let her take a shower with you or something, so then she will realize, it's either this or a bath, and let her choose. If that doesn't work, just let her go without a bath for a while, and eventually she will feel so gross she will want to get clean in someway... P.s. why is this in adolescent, are you a teen mom or something? : )

  10. I would get a lot of bath toys for her.

    I've seen those 'crayons' that you can draw in the tub with.

    Let her choose some bubbles, and her own soap (kid soap).

    Maybe you could buy her a special towel to use when she gets out of the bath.

    When she starts crying, keep asking her what's wrong.

    good luck!

  11. maybe some bubbles and a water toy.....idk

    or you could let her take a shower and see if she likes that better

  12. Maybe your 2 year old daughter has had some form of bad experience with baths.She wouldn't be screaming for nothing,would she?You should pray to GOD about this.GOD is the only one who can handle this but I do think that maybe when you take her to her next doctor visit,that you should tell her doctor about this.Maybe she has had a bad experience with water that you don't know about.I know that she can't probably talk that well but try to ask her why she doesn't like taking baths and see what her response is.As to how to get her to take baths,you need to find out what it is that she doesn't like about them anymore.Show her the bath water and see if she screams or not.Try showing her soap,see if she screams.Show her a rubber duck and see if she screams or not.Show her a poufe and see if she screams or not.Show her the shower curtains and see if she screams or not.There is something in the water or about the water that she doesn't like anymore.Like I said,something has obviously happened in the past week that has her terrified of baths and you should try to communicate with her to see what it is.I hope that I helped.GOD BLESS you!

  13. maybe the temperature has changed. like the weather i mean.

    is your air conditioner or heater broken?

    did your daughter learn about water safety at creche?

    was there a spider in the bath last week?

    does she have a sore that the water would sting?

    just trying to think outside the square.

    maybe try her in the shower with you? if she likes that, then that means its not water thats the problem, but the actual bath. process of elimination, do you get me?

    hope this helped. good luck.

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