
My dog and her teeth?

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i have a year and few months old dog ,shes in perfect health,but some of her teeth seem to be yellow , is it ok?or should i do something about it?thanks




  1. brush her teeeth twice a week

  2. It could result in decay.. So I would recommend brushing your dog's teeth around three times a week. If that doesn't do anything I would buy those 'denta-bones' for dogs who dislike their teeth being brushed.

    Hope it helps!

  3. Well, it depends on the size of your dog. If your dog is under 10 lbs, it would be kind of hard to brush her teeth, so I'd suggest giving her some dental dog treats. However, if she's over 10 lbs, then you should brush her teeth with some dog toothpaste and toothbrush according to the direction son the packaging. If your dog has bad breath, I suggest using this recipe I found, just copy, paste and print:

    Minty Dog Treats-Y!A

                                   Preheat Oven to 350 degrees

    1 Tbl. Vegetable Oil

    1 cup Water

    2 1/2 Cup Whole Wheat Flour

    1/2 cup Oatmeal

    2 Tbl. Dried Mint

    1/3 Cup Chopped Parsley


    1) Mix Oil and water, slowly add flour and other ingredients. (WARNING! Don't use a mixer, the dough gets really sticky! Flour hands and knead dough)

    2)Shape the treats (you could try rolling it out on a flat surface and cutting with a bone-shaped cookie cutter) and place on cookie sheet

    3) Bake 35 minutes in a 350 degree oven. Should make around 2 dozen cookies depending on the size of your cutter.

    These treats are great for training your dog with. Feed her very little at a time, because the whole wheat and oatmeal will expand in her stomach, which will make her use #2.

    Carrots are good as well. It will help with eyesight, and breaks off some of the plaque on her teeth.

  4. This is the beginning of a buildup of tartar. Action needs to be taken now to stop her having dental problems in a few years time.

    Ideally dogs should be on a good quality dry food, or at least half their diet being dry food, for dental health. They should also chew lots of things, especially dental treats like rasks.

    I would recommend brushing if your dog can tolerate it - you can buy dog toothpaste and dog toothbrushes at pet stores and vets. Don't use human toothpaste. I also strongly recommend looking into dental diets - your vet can provide you with these. They are complete diets so they can be fed alone or as part of a diet, and they are excellent for tooth care. The kibbles are honey-combed structured, and they're large and hard so they dog has to insert teeth into them at least once, and the structure actually brushes the tooth. These diets will be especially useful if brushing your dog's teeth is out of the question.

    Definitely do something about it to avoid serious trouble and expense down the line!


  5. All dogs teeth go yellow don't worry about it. the best advice i can give is buy some dog toothpaste and a dog tooth brush and clean her teeth once a week oh yeh and if she is eating meat that doesn't help change her diet to dog biscuits. but other than that just keep an eye on her and make sure they are not causing her any pain. if your really worried i would advise taking her to the vet.  

  6. How yellow? Sure brushing teeth is okay, but if really yellow the vet needs to go in and really clean them.

    A bit of advice.  Go to your grocery store by the butcher and ask him for some knuckle bones. (some make you pay) Cook them in an oven at 350 for about 2 hrs.  Then give it to your pup.  Pig ears are good too.  The constant chewing on these items make it like a tooth-brush and they will be keeping there own teeth clean.

    Hope this helps.


  7. hi,

    By the tender age of three, more than 80 percent of dogs show signs of gum disease, according to the American Veterinarian Dental Society. It's no surprise, then, to learn that two-thirds of dog owners aren't giving their pets the recommended dental care.

    here are some guidelines:

    hope this helps,

  8. Give her a dentastix (dog done) they chew on them and help the dogs teeth to be stronger cleaner and better breath. i cant remember the brand but its a good one.

  9. Brushing your dog's teeth is important.  I like the inexpensive battery powered kids toothbrush for a good clean.  Always use doggie toothpaste.

    Yellowing of the teeth can also be a sign that you may want to switch dog foods.  Does she also get buildup in her ears?  If yes, you definitely need to switch dog food formulas.  Dogs with a great diet/digestion will have unusually white teeth and clean ears that require little maintenance.

  10. Talk to the vet they may want to do a dental.

    Get some dog tooth paste and a dog tooth brush and brush her teeth daily.  
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