
My dog keeps being attacked.?

by  |  earlier

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I was out on a walk and two boxers came at my dog (a 6 montoh old pug/beagle mix). My dog was scared and barking - I don't know if he was scared or just doing a usual bark. He was strangling himself on his leash and I picked him up quick until the owner got her boxers to leave us alone. I want my dog to be okay with other dogs, but he was attacked again today! A big dog got off its leash and ran at my dog. They were sniffing each other, so I let my dog alone cause I thought it was good for him to be calm and sniffing. Then the other dog growled and was attacking my dog, who was barking and scared again. I got him in my arms and then put him down after the dogs settled and he was sniffing again.

Is there a reason he is being attacked? Could my dog's fear/barking be provoking, or is it the other dog's fault?

I don't want my dog to be afraid of other dogs. Advice? There are other dogs at work and I wanted to bring him in, but that isn't looking promising...




  1. I've found that learning the signs of body language has helped a great

  2. Have him neutered.  And take him into work, socalize him now before his only knowledge of other dogs is negative.  

  3. well to be honest   u need to get jr some kick boxing lessons. lol lol  im joking  i had the same thing happen to my dog when he was  about almost 2 years .  needlesss to say i wasent worried about a dog running up on him. for the simple fact if any dog ran up on my dog they got to deal with the consequences.  my dog is  a apbt  by the way .  i was walkin him donw the street  and a big ohh mutt came out of no where . running straight for him. my dog grabbed him and began to shake him like a toy. it took me 5 minutes to get my dog off this mutt.  usually when i walk my dog down the street and he see's other animals  he show interested but never barks. my female on the other hand  when i walk her down the street  and she see's a dog or animal or hears barking she goes nuts.  choking herself out just to get to the aniamal  but she never barks.  . honestly it could be ur dogs barking  im not sure   did u socialize ur dog with other animals while he was a puppy?

  4. I don't exactly know either but similar things happen to my lab he is ot aggressive and he doesn't bark but he'll just be siting next to me and a dog will come over and start snarling and the strange part is that the are usually small dogs???

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