
My dream...:will it come true?

by Guest64712  |  earlier

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my dream is to become an actor i love to act and im doing an acting class all summer long every monday and tuesday from 9am to 3pm. I really want to be on tv shows and movies, becuase it would be a fun expierience, i need to know if it is enough, taking a class all summer, then going to an audition, would i be ready enough?? will i make it?? how hard is it to make it??




  1. Like any career, you need to make connections with the "right"  people.

  2. Directors don't care how much experience you have as long as you are a good, Sertious actor. Hope this Helps!!

  3. I don't think its enough a lot of people want to be actors. When you say audition if you mean to audition straight for a tv part you definitely wont get it, most people go to drama school and even then only a small minority actually become famous.

  4. Your dream will come true if you fight hard for it.  You have to be relentless in your determination to gain exposure for yourself.  The more exposure, the more your name will reach the right casting directors.

    If you're not in LA or NY, move.  Your odds are infinitely better in those two locations.  And seek out agents.  Don't rely on them to get you work -- you are your best "agent" because you'll be working for you 24-7 -- but at the same time, make sure you stay in regular contact with them - call and email at least once a week.  Get headshots done, and send your resume and headshots to local ad agencies.  Also, check your local and state film commission for films being produced in your area.  You'll be able to send your headshots/resume to the addresses provided.  Don't be shy about making your dream known.  The more people that know that you're looking for acting opportunities, the better.  People generally like to help others reach their goals.  Good luck!

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