
My dreams are scarily vivid! HELP!?

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as i said! i always remember the dream from the night before! in bright colour, sound , nearly every detail ! enough so that i could write it all down when i wake up. if i get hurt i feel the pain really badly, and sometimes wake up scared that ive been stabbed or injured in some other way which happened in my dream.

my drerams recently have all been rather scary and have usually involved me having to try and protect someone close to me, and usually it ends up i cant help them and can only save myself.

ive also died in my dreams numerous times! yeah i know i sound like a nutter. but i was wondering wether anyone can explain why i might be having such vivid dreams?




  1. ask God for help...(im talking bout Jesus) he understands you and will listen to you when you talk to him...idk if u believe in him but try thing ive done!..

  2. there might be something in your past that you couldn't help and felt guilty about. it might also be that similiar things that you are guilty about in the past might happen again real soon. it might be your brain's way of warning you whats to come in the future.

  3. That's scary. Maybe you have an evil spirit in your house because if you are actually feeling these dreams when you wake up (when you have pain) a spirit can be doing this to you. Go to see your local priest or Rabbi and ask for help. Good luck!

  4. Well perhaps you have answered your own question. You are fifteen and are going through some difficulty. Maybe you feel that you will end up needing to protect someone close to you in your hardships.

    your dreams being vivid could just be you paying more attention to them. You mention being able to write about them once awake. If you do write then you are helping your brain develop something where you would be able to remember more vividly, that is why people keep dream journals. Sometimes this is a blessing and sometimes it is a curse. I have died as well in dreams, the whole fade to black out of body experience, followed by pins and needles usually. It is a very creepy feeling. There may be no way to really stop yourself from dreaming less or at least remembering your dreams less. You could practice viewing and listening to things that make you happy or at peace before you sleep, that may make your dreams a little less chaotic or scary. Hope this helps.

  5. Check out this website. You might be able to figure something out about yourself. =)

    Best of luck.

    I have the same kind of dreams. Never dying though.. Heh.

  6. Okay, the add-on really helps. The reason why you are continuously being injured is b/c that is how you feel in real life, even if you don't know it. You feel like no one cares for you, or that a specific person that you care for does not care for you, and it is an aching pain that resurfaces in your dreams. You feel you have to stay afloat in order to make it through, and that is why you run and try to escape, or why you try to protect yourself.

    No, you are not crazy! I have dreams like this ALL THE TIME. I've even tasted and smelled things in my dreams. In fact, my dreams are so bizarre sometimes that midway through the dream I realize it's just a dream, and then I can control it.

    Maybe that's what you have to do. It's hard at first, but it is ENTIRELY POSSIBLE to become aware during a dream, and I think it will help. Just look at your hand, or just take a chance and stop running. These will help you to start to take control of your dreams.

    I hope this helps, b/c it has certainly helped me. However, I actually love having vivid dreams, b/c they make such great stories at lunchtime for my friends! Plus, the stranger they are, sometimes the easier they are to interpret, b/c the things that stick out will be easier to analyze. I use my dreams to help myself to make sense of what's going on in my life so far, especially 'cause I'm kinda young like you, and so many things are just way over my head.

    OK hope this helps! Sweet dreams!


  7. You describe experiences very much like Lucid Dreaming (LD), only what you''re getting is all negative!

    "Lucid Dreaming" by Patricia Garfield Ph.D ISBN 0-345-24955-0-175 is the original source, tho you can find LD reference in and (very commercial): it all helps.

    The point being that LD allows you *control* your dreamscape(s), rather than having them rule you. With your vivid recall of colorful detail, you are halfway there- you just need some refinement to make these dreams agreeable and rewarding- go for  it!

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