
My ex has mental problems, ?

by  |  earlier

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i've been with my ex for about 2 years, and for the most part, it was horrible...he didnt treat me right, he cheated on me, he pushed me a few times, he'd break up with me every other week, then we'd get back together...we've been broken up for over a year and a half..but since then we've sort of "rekindled" our relationship. The most recent time we were sort of together was about 5 months ago...since then i have gotten a new boyfriend of whom i have been with for 4 months... he treats me like a princess, he's the kind of guy i said i always wanted, and now that i have him i still can't move on from my ex has gotten in trouble with the law, has experimented alot with drugs, and treated me like dirt. whereas i know he doesnt deserve me, i just can't bear the fact of us not caring for each other anymore..he's been on antidepressants and from what i know has some mental disorders..idk if that plays into me feeling "hooked" but i just want to find some answers. i dont know if anyone has suggestions of what is going on here, or what i could do..i've never had such an obsession with somene, especially with him treating me bad and all..i cope with everyday situations normally, and am not depressed..he is an exception to my life being wonderful, and i hate it, i want to move on for good but i dont know what to do, time hasn't helped and neither has talking to friends and family..did he cause problems for me, or did i cause the problems, how should i move forward from this, counceling, time, or what!?




  1. you could get some counseling or something

    you really care about your ex even though he treats you like dirt and imagine how your new bf feels. do you constantly talk about your ex infront of him?

  2. He could've find someone better than you, look what you did to the poor guy...

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