
My eyebrow piercing infected???Im really worried!?

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ok im really worried about my eyebrow piercing i think it might be infected ok i got it about 8 months ago and it was all healed but suddenly now i got this huge bump right where the percing is. I dont understand how it can be infected i took good care of it and cleaned it well. I thought it was a blister or something and i popped it turned red but got smaller and doesnt hurt as much but im hella worried. I took out the piercing so it would heal cause it hurt alot what should i do?




  1. I've had my eyebrow pierced 3 times. Your red lump is more than likely a pimple. I wouldn't worry about it too much. If it still hurts call your local piercing studio and ask for their advice they will know better than anyone.  

  2. Dont worry so much, you will be fine.  It sounds like it is deffinatly infected.. make sure to wash your hands really well before and after touching it.  A little bit of rubbing alchohol should heal it right up, it may burn a little but tough it out.  Also get some dial soap and wash it frequently with that, maybe 3 ta 4 times a day.  Peircings get infected, even if you take care of them, it just happens.. especially on your face where their is makeup, sweat and dirt.  Do not use neosporin, that will heal it from the inside out.. not a good idea.  GL

  3. Go to a doctor or a dermatologist (ski specialist)

    Probably go to your general practioner 1st.

    That, or go back in time and not get your eye brow pierced.  

  4. Don't touch it! Try washing your face with salt and baking soda, it will get rid of it. Because you know how when you swimm in the ocean too long? Your finders get all wrinkly? Its actually getting water out of your system, I usually do that if I get jelly fish stingies. Try it, it will get rid of infection and redness

  5. DOCTOR, for gods sake!!

  6. i had my ear done and there was a massive lump behing it but i took it out in the end and it went down but get some antimicrobial skin cleanser hospital gave me some for my belly when it was infected and it realy helped alot!  

  7. go and see a doctor,, because if it is infected the bacterias will multiply o your body...

  8. If I were you I would go to the place that you got it pierced and ask them to look at it.  Usually this wouldn't happen after 8 you should go to the place who pierced it to see if something is wrong

  9. ask ur mom to look at it xP thats wht i would do, lol

    or go to where u got it pierced, or the doctors. good luck! and get better soon! :]

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