
My eyes are too far apart???

by  |  earlier

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My eyes are so far apart! What should I do???




  1. they arent youre really hot

  2. yeah, you should work on your self-esteem first before worrying about your eyes because they're fine

  3. No there not! You look pretty. Seriously. ((no homo))

    Be happy gurl!! People gots worse problems than you. =]

  4. They look fine.

    And, even if you wanted to 'make them closer' I think you'd struggle.


  5. focus the eyeliner and shadow on the inner corner of the eye

  6. honestly i don't think so you have large eyes and with a nice shape to them, i wouldn't worry about it, its just the way you are. we all have "flaws" or things that we don't think make us beautiful but who cares we are who we are and we look the way we look embrace your individual look and learn to love it!

  7. They don't look too far apart to me.  If you want to avoid them looking far apart, just don't draw your eyeliner out past the corner of your eye (the cat-eye look).  But you look pretty to me.  That's just my advice.

  8. don't worry about how far your eyes are. your being too hard on yourself. im sure nobody else notices that feature except you. you are very pretty so look at all your features in a positive way.

  9. no they arent ! or atleast in that picture they arent.

    your perfect !

  10. they seem farther apart then most peoples.

    but i think you're pretty and your eyes arent too far apart.

  11. Nope you are a cute girl

  12. You're fine the way you are.

  13. I could say, make them work for you!  Imbrace your flaws, which is great to a point, but if you're honestly uncomfortable with them, try a product called "eye bright" you can find it on Sephora or  Rub on skin near inner corners of eyes, which might help you give off the illusion of closer eyes.  :D good luck!

  14. your pretty

    theres nothing wrong with your eyes

    i was prepared to laugh at your picture

    but i didn't

    theres nothing wrong with you


    and wow why are you people so racist?

    don't listen to them

    your stunning :D

  15. Don't worry about it, as far as i can tell your attractive (15, so not perverted)

    Donno, you could always have some weird horrible scars or something i guess lol. (Tehe)

  16. umm sweetie theres not much that you can do i mean you cant move your eyes but your picture looks fine but maybe you could try doing your makeup in some way that makes it look better. im not quite sure what would help but you could maybe try but like i said hun you look fine.

  17. they're not too far apart.

    you have really pretty eyes. =D

  18. Your beautiful!!!  

  19. No, Your face looks normal and natural to me, I wouldn't change a thing!

  20. are you looking for attention?  people like you sicken me.  i'm not saying this to be cruel, i'm saying this so you can open your eyes.  getting gratification from others will never satisfy anything.  look inward and be thankful for who you are.  be thankful that you are living.  be thankful for everything that you have.  you don't need to focus on things such as "my eyes are too far apart!"

  21. There's actually an article in Cosmopolitan this month that tells you how to do eye makeup that creates an illusion making your eyes look closer worked for me.


    you have great eyes, they're really big and clear!

  23. there fine

  24. your pretty.

  25. yours eyes look fine chill out but maybe theres a surgery?

  26. No, and if anyone has said that about you, they were totally wrong. theyre perfectly fine! No worries, and i like your hair, :] lol

  27. If there is some eye relocating surgery that you know of that I or anyone else hasn't heard of, then look into that.  If not then there's no point worrying about it if there's nothing you can do.

  28. um there's not much you really can do.  but ur cute so don't worry about it. it's a unique thing.

  29. you have nothing to worry about darlin. your gorgeous. :)

  30. theyre not too far apart. in fact, wide eyes is what fashion buisnesses look for.

    help the hungry? thanks have a good one!

  31. your eyes are fine. stop worrying!

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