
My feet are extremely swollen?

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I had my son on Tuesday September 2nd at 12:07 in the afternoon 8lbs 7 ounces, was induced labor only lasted 4 1/2 hours, we're just so happy and excited, but ever since last night my feet are about double there size, I mean extremely swollen. Its been this way since last night about 7pm I would say it now being 615pm here they are still the same and I have tried lifting them up and tried ice and nothing is working. What can I do? Is this normal?




  1. go to the dr!!

  2. That happened to me too.  They told me it was because of the epidural.  Also, when they weighed me I was the same weight as before he was born for a few days.  They also said it was because of the epidural.  On the 4th day I looked at my feet and they looked soooo skinny!  It came off really fast.

  3. I had the same thing. I had a c section tho. My doc said it was cause of all the extra fluid they pump you with. I assume you were on an IV? mine didnt go down for like a week. the skin was so tight it HURT!! but dont worry, it will go down, your body just needs to flush itself

    congrats on your son btw!

  4. It's normal. Soon they will start sweating and the swelling will go down. Lol- I ruined 3 pairs of fuzzy slippers in the 2 weeks after my daughter was born! They never smelled right again and had to be thrown out. It's the fluids starting to leave, and salt, saltines and small amounts of coffee and tea or soda can help it go away faster, if you're not breastfeeding. If you are, that helps tremendously too.

    Good luck and enjoy your little one!  

  5. The same thing happened with my first, its relatively normal.  Sitting up will make it worse.  Its just the extra fluid that your body had during pregnancy.

    The best treatment is rest, drinking plenty of fluid, and salting your food to taste.  Small amounts of caffeine can also help if its particularly bothersome.

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