
My female bearded dragon is aggressive.?

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I have a female bearded dragon. We have had her for about 7 months now. She is starting to get pretty big. She has a nice 50 gal tank. Got the right lights, habitat, sand, food, everything we should have. For the first 3 months we had her she was so awesome she loved being held, would walk right into your hand, close her eye when you pet her, totaly calm and nice. Then she just slowly started to get agressive. It just started one day she was puffing her beard. Then went to hissing, then snapping, then running away, then trying to bite, then pretty much full blown if you try to touch her you should be prepared for pain. We handle her every day, even now when she is acting agressive. We were thinking it was just a faze but it is going on much longer then it should from what I have read. We have tried almost everything we have read and been told. Sometimes we can get her to clam donw, but then she goes right back to it. Any other ideas we can try?




  1. She could be going into puberty (yes it can happen) which usually makes them a lil cranky and slightly aggressive. Could be a health issue is she is sick with say a parasite infection they can become aggressive. Could be overly  high temps, I know a some peoples bearded dragons get some what aggressive when temps get over 130º. Just let her be for a little while i guess or take her to the vet if the parasite infection is the case.

  2. Maybe she is in heat. Get her neutered if that is possible for reptiles, i wouldn't know.

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