
My fiance passed away?

by  |  earlier

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and i am still wearing the 2 rings he gave me.....i changed it to my right hand should i or should i not?




  1. yea theres nothing wrong with holding onto something that your loved one gave you

  2. you put them where you want on your left or right hand and if you want put it on a chain so it can stay close to your heart.  My heart and prayors really go out to you.  I am so sorry to hear this.  Good luck with everything in the future.  But heal at your own pace don't move on before you are ready because others feel you should.

  3. I would keep wearing them.  I probably wouldn't even change them to my right hand, unless maybe too many strangers noticed and congratulated me.  That would be uncomfortable.

    =(  I'm so sorry.

  4. I think you still wearing them is very sentimental

  5. Wow...I don't even know what to say to something like that other than I'm incredibly sorry and I'll pray for you. Just hearing something like that reminds you to never take anything for granted.

    With this in mind, you can do whatever you want with your rings. You can put them on a necklace, you can always wear them on your right hand, you can put them on some kind of a crystal statue...whatever you want. Whatever helps you cope and whatever feels right to you. Just remember not to let anyone judge you about what you choose.

  6. I am so sorry to hear about that...and yes if I were you I would have done the same thing I would keep them on my right even if you meet someone new...he will always be a part of you..he left his fingerprint on your heart and time can not take that away...again I am so sorry for your loss.

  7. First of all, I'm sorry to hear of your loss and wish you the best in coping with the situation. It's not easy loosing a loved one and can take some time to recover but you do and you will. I recommend wearing the rings he gave you on either hand for as long as you choose to.

  8. go ahead ....wear them as long as you like ...until you heal.

    I'm so sorry for your loss

  9. no there isn't anything wrong

    i'm so sorry for you loss=[

  10. There is nothing wrong with wearing the rings still.

    I'm so sorry for your loss.

  11. You're in my prayers. You will heal no matter how much it hurts now. You will heal.

  12. I'm very, very sorry to hear about your Fiance' passing away =*(

    I think it's perfectly fine to still wear your rings, but on the right hand.

    My Mom put her engagement ring from her first husband (My Dad) on her right hand. It's been almost 14 years now and she still wears it. She got re-married, and still wore her ring (They separated January 2008) and she still wears it now that she's with her boyfriend.

    I don't think there's anything wrong with it.


  13. i'm so sorry for your loss, its ok to wear them as long as you like and if you dont want to wear them as rings anymore put them on a necklace or even have them melted down (at a much later date) and make it into something else if you like.

  14. awww hunny

    im so! sorry for your loss

    you should wear the rings if u feel comfortable with it

    he gave you the rings because he loved you

    so u should wear them because u love him

    *hugs* x
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