
My first ultrasound need help?

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today i went to the doctors to confirm the pregnancy and they gave me a test then i had to get an i am exactly 5w+0d and the doctor could only see the fluid and the yolk is it not to not be able to see the baby when you are five weeks or not??




  1. Ive never gotten an ultrasound that early..yea five weeks is to early to see the baby its like a size of a wheat seed or maybe a little'll see the embryo next time...when i had my ultra sound done i was 20 weeks and they could tell me what it was...just wait and by the time you know it the time will be here

  2. What they saw was normal for this period. The only reason that they would even do an ultrasound at that point is to confirm that it wasn't ectopic. It's not likely that you will see anything on an ultrasound until around 8 weeks.

  3. Technically you don't even have a fetus yet, its just a bunch of cells clumped together (crude description).  Soon the cells will be forming into organs and the heart will begin to beat, but there's nothing that even remotely resembles a baby yet.

    Be patient, there's more to come!

  4. That is perfectly normal and you should not worry.  I had an ultrasound at 6 weeks and it was so tiny I could barely see it.  I can imagine at 5 weeks you would not be able to see anything except the sack.  Best of luck!

  5. its too early to see the fetal pole

  6. Too soon.  Give it a couple of weeks and you should see it then.

  7. Your baby will not look like a "baby" for a few more weeks normally around week 10 you would be able to tell yourself that its a baby. what you saw today is normal.

  8. Thats all they will be able to see for another couple of weeks and then you will be able to see a little blob with a beating heart! Its awsome.

  9. At this stage of ur pregnancy ur baby or embryo is just the size of a tip of a pin so its too early to see anything like baby.

  10. It is early on sometimes they cannot see this early. Depends on the ultrasound machine quality / angle /position of fetus etc. The vaginal attachment is usually better at this stage then the external wand.  

    The Dr. will probably have you come back in a few weeks to repeat and then if it is difficult to detect at that time. They may draw some of your blood to test/confirm pregnancy and weeks.

    Good luck to you

  11. Completely normal. Most women don't see a baby until 6 weeks and some as late as 7 or even 8 weeks. As long as the ultrasound dates are measuring up with your LMP dates, then there shouldn't be anything to worry about. If you are worried, then ask for another ultrasound in 2 weeks. By then, you should definitely see a baby with a heartbeat.

    Good luck and congrats!

  12. i had  a scan at 4 wks 6 days, and all you can see is a yolk sac, inside a wee gestation sac. i went back the following week and scanned at 5 wk 6 days and there was a heart beat. at 5 weeks its just to small to see.

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