
My f******n? help please?

by  |  earlier

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i never knew that I was supposed to pul my f******n back, no one ever told me. So yesterday when my p***s was flacid I pulled it back, how far should i pull it back? and how do i get my ehad to be less sensitive? when i touch it it fricking hurt its so sentive. can any1 help me?




  1. I pulled mine back when I was like 6. I don't know why, maybe it was instinct, but something told me that I needed to do it, and once it pulled back and I was all sensitive. I kept touching it, not masturbating, just touching the head and it would sting, but after doing it so often it didn't sting any more. I used to put some ointment stuff on too, but I don't want to recommend that because you might put on something harmful. Eventually it went away. I suggest you do all this with clean hands, probably in the shower where there's running water. Soap might make it burn. Now at seventeen it's as if it was never sensitive and I wash it and all that junk.

  2. really? really? really? Com'on dude... No one ever told you? Really?...

    "hey mom am i supposed to pull my f******n back?"

    I mean honestly dude, get it together man....  

    Get Circumsized  

  3. It should go as far back so that your "head" is exposed. If it doesn't, retract day by day until it does. Also wash down there every-time you shower.

  4. ohh man sucks for u i was the same at 10 know im14 and i jacked off so many times






  5. just keep pulling it back and wash it with water, it will become less sensitive, it should be able to pull back eventually to show the entire glans

  6. If your f******n is too tight to be pulled back when erect then this can usually be self-treated at home in private.

    It involves stretching exercises (ideally in the bath/shower) to make it easier to pull back. Be patient, because it must be stretched daily over several weeks, but it will be worth it in the end!

    The below websites have some good advice.

    The sensitive head will get better over time, but its important not to leave it exposed for long periods so that it doesn't rub against underwear etc.

  7. i had the same problem - just pull the skin back so that the head sticks out, the heads sensittivity can e a good thing or a bad thing, you experienced the bad thing, try spitting on your palm then rubbing the front of your head, it is a real turn on a makes you feel really good.  theres nothing to get it to be less sensitive, you just have to aoid touching it in a forcefull manner and without saliva or water. like when a girl gives u a bj, it feals good and doesn't hurt because the salavia is making it less painful and when she rubs her tounge over your head, it feals good because shes applying the right amount of pressure.  my suggestion is to never touch your head unless your doing what i told you to do.  and make sure not to pull the skin to far back or it will hurt a lot, just pull it back as far as you want to. the more you practice with out the skin, the more elastic it will get, and the further it will go back without any pain.  and you don't HAVE to pull it back, i leave the skin on during masturbation, the only time i take it off is when I'm with a girl.

  8. click on the link below man. i dont m********e n it feels gud 2 kno that.  

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