
My friend always does this.....?

by  |  earlier

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Well, I have a very close friend she is my like best friend, but she always trys to kiss me and makeout (I ain't g*y so ain't happening) then she kept poking me in my boob I was just like.... what the... So my question is, is she g*y?? (L*****n)




  1. Well, I can't say for sure, but I think she must be... or she just has strange issues. I would immediately stop hanging out with her if she was trying to kiss me. I would tell someone! But the best way to know is to ask her. I don't know if I would do that myself though... Even if she's not, it's a pretty gross thing to do to your friend that you know is not g*y! I hope I helped. :)

  2. You have to ask her for the answer.

    You cannot read the minds and attitudes of women.

    They are very unpredictable.  

  3. Kiss you?

    Make out with you?

    Touch your b*****s?

    yep...Im pretty sure she is a L*****n or bi

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