
My friend has a problem.?

by  |  earlier

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my friend thinks shes fat but she isnt today she got a voice mail and she couldn't call it back it was we didn't recognize the voice she heard it over and over again and realized they were calling her fat, she bursted out crying and i felt so bad, the thing is SHES NOT FAT she fit. she has low self esteem. shes puked to make herself get skinnier and was thinking about talking pills. and for 2 months she wouldnt eat. her best guy friend shoved a pretzel down her thoart once at lunch. everyones worried.




  1. you need to tell her parents about  this behavior she may have anorexia && needs to seek professional help

  2. She really needs to get help [not in a bad way]. That is a serious problem, that needs to be handled. Always give her compliments and tell her she's skinny. Try talking to her about this and try to get her to stop. If you can't try getting her help on these websites..

    &you can just google more.

    Hope I helped=]

  3. Tell her parents Or sit down and talk to her face to face for a long time. and tel her "i cant have a friend that does this to herself"

  4. Simply tell her. Make her feel better about herself. Tell her it doesnt matter what others say. I'd be happy to gain some weight, its better to be healthy, but for some reason I cant. Tell her how lucky she is to be fit. There are people who die for that like me, I'm a skinny stick (well almost XD). Good luck :]

  5. I'm going through the same thing as your friend now... And i can tell you, we really want help, but our self esteem is so low we don't know how to feel good about ourselves. You gotta tell her mom. My friends told my mom and I'm gonna have to start taking these classes. I'm still not eating though but once the classes start I guess I'm going to have to. She'll be mad at you for awhile but she'll come around. Just don't gave up on her ok? Right now she really needs you guys.

  6. well you shold seriously tell someone about it before she hurts herself.

    people are stupid. guys in my soccer club call

    every girl that eats in front of them fat.

    girls do it because of jealously of just to be mean.

    dont let her do this to herself.

    its gayy!

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