
My friend has a weird problem?

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I have a dear friend who yesterday confessed to me that he has a thing for Transsexual stories. From what he told me, reading stories about guys who get dressed up like girls by someone (usually other girls) turns him on. He says that this has been bothering him for some time now and that he had to tell this to someone.From what I am sure of, is that he is a cool normal guy, who has a bunch of girlfriends, and would never wear opposite s*x clothes in public nor in private He told me : "Girls turn me on, and that is all cool and stuff, but why does this weird **** have to turn me on as well?". It must be because he used to play dress up games with his sister when he was younger. I told him not to worry, and that everything will be all right, and that we all have some weird things. But I'm kinda worried now. Should I tell him to just stop reading that junk that obviously confuses him, or what? What do you think about this?




  1. it probably just intrigues him because its something different and out of the ordinary. lots of times reading or thinking about something is more interesting than actually doing it anyway. but if it bothers him to feel this way, then the logical thing to do is to stop doing it.  

  2. I think that he the stories simply turn him on.

    If you look at the stories in normal p**n and whatnot they are stories most wouldn't actually do in real life.

    It is just something that turns you on.

    Just about everyone has different things that turn them on that people might find strange.

    Tell him to do what makes him happy, if it confuses him then stop, but if he is happy with the stories then go ahead and read them/watch them.

    You're a good friend for supporting him, and you should no matter what he chooses to do.

  3. Just tell him to chill. We pretty much can't help what turns us on sexually, and transvestism (which is what you describe, rather than transsexualism) is neither uncommon nor harmful, much less reading about it. It has nothing to do with actual homosexuality. If he were to actually live out one of these "stories," he might find out that reality didn't live up to the fantasy. Or,he might allow himself a new hobby.  Either way, you should BOTH quit worrying.

  4. maybe hes bisexual??.......yeah jus have him stop reading it if it confuses him

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