
My friend is g*y????

by  |  earlier

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On the weekends I usually hang with friends(mix of girls and guys) and we drink.Jared acts really g*y.He dances to Dance pop music,talks and compliments the girl on fashion,acts and fits in like one of the chicks.But when he is sober he doesnt act g*y one bit.He talks alot about s*x with girls when sober too.Why does he fit in with girls when he is drunk and is he g*y?




  1. this could be wrong but....

    when your friend is drunk, the femmine part in him comes out. the alcohol could open a part of his brain that makes that happen.

    or it could be that he is surpressing his feminine side and when he gets drunk, he's calm about it. he doesnt care about who see's it or what ppl care.

  2. He is g*y and in deep denial.He is letting his true self out when he is drunk.He identifies more with girls and it shows.When he is sober he only talks about chicks to fit in.

  3. people are different people when they are drunk

  4. Bigmone,

    Star is right.

    Everyone acts differently after they had a few drinks of alcohol.

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