
My friend is pissing me off.?

by Guest62149  |  earlier

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He keeps stealing my Yu-Gi-Oh! cards.




  1. your friend is an effing thief! you really want a thief for a friend? CUT HIM LOOSE!

  2. so kick him in the nuts. 10 bucks says he won't steal anymore

  3. you should confront him and tell him that he should stop,

    and you can keep your cards away from him. and if he dosent

    stop you should tell his parents or his parents.

  4. hide them!.

    dont bring them out around him!

  5. set him up make sure you tempt him to steal him but then hide and catch him doing it or even better get you mum to walk in while he is stealing them man that woul embarass that stealing t**t

  6. if he steals from you then he's is probably not your friend. friends dont steal from each other. hide  them well or tell your or your friends parents.

  7. do that move were you stick your hand up his a** and pop his eyes out.

  8. Send him a bill for the stolen cards, and tell him your 6 foot 7 cousin Louie will break his bones if he doesn't pay up.

    Trust me, you'll get your cards back.

  9. Better to be pissed off than pissed on.

    I'm not sayin pee on him. I'm just saying, it could be worse. : )

  10. Manslaughter.

    Do it.

    Then along with getting your vards back, steal his.

  11. aim for the face!

  12. maybe its a sign that you should stop playing little kid card games.... or get new friends.... or kick him in the nuts like nato419 said..... pick your poison.

  13. kick his ******* teeth down out through the back of his head

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