
My friend is scared of flying?

by Guest55983  |  earlier

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my friend is coming on holiday with me in june and is not looking forward to the flight shes 14 what can i say to her to calm her down and not worry to much.




  1. Get her to watch some films to calm her nerves...Passenger 57, Airforce 1,Castaway and Die Hard 2 are great films to take her mind off things. If that fails do what the A-team would do and get her to drink some milk!

  2. I started flying when I was 4yrs. old. It is the FUNNEST expierience ever! Especially when the plane takes of it looks so cool. And its just so...i dont know how to describe it. Ive been in a plane like 15 times so far and im going again in like 2weeks. Tell her not to be scared. Its fun experience ever!

  3. to watch the movie fight club

  4. keep her as distracted as possible from thinking what is actually happening. ipod? connect 4? lots of magazines, chocolates, hugs, a hand to be able to squeeze when the nerves get really bad

  5. juss tell her to chyllax n listen to muzzik on dah flight n watch dah movie on dere

  6. There a number of things which you can do to relax you you in regard to air travel. First, tell her that the inside of the plane looks similar to the insides of a train. Also, tell her that safety is better in the sky than any other form of transportation. Mention that she will not feel like she is floating; just leave out the air turbulance issue.

  7. Im 32 yrs old and flew for the first time last month...if I can do it so can she.

  8. Remember,

    Air travel has become much much more advanced since the 1990's. Today we have very safe equipment on the planes. We also have a lot of experienced pilots. We very rarely (1 out of a 1,000,000) have a bad problem that a pilot needs to do an emergency landing. When she does go on that flight, tell her to watch the safety video closely. She will be fine! Trust me!!She will be surprised, I have flown to over 50 countries around the world. Don't worry she will be fine!!


  9. I am a pilot for can say that it is sooo much fun and nothing will happen to her

    Pilots are experienced, and well trained

    It is so much fun being up there and it is worth it

  10. Make sure you are seated next to each other in the aisle. Talk with her the entire take-of roll. Some people say to close your eyes....don't suggest that. There is no real way, but make sure you act comfortable, not to make her nervous!

  11. yeah haha i agree with first answerer, im watching it again while im on the plane.

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