
My friend might be pregnant?

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She had s*x on like Friday she said they used many condoms. She takes her birth control faithfully. But since then she's been throwing up non-stop. She said she took a pregnancy test but i told her she needed to wait until her next period which is next month because she just finished her last one. The test came up negative because she didn't take it at the right time. She told me if she's pregnant she's going to throw herself down a set of stairs. Now, i'm completely against abortion but i told her that i rather her get an abortion then throw herself down a set of stairs. Even though i'd rather her keep the baby. She said she doesn't want her parents to know, so i told her to go to a free clinic. Now, we will probably talk about it more when she takes another test next month.

what should i do? she's 15 by the way.





  1. If your friend has been religiously taking her birth control pills, why did they still used the condom. My guess is she has not been properly educated as how to take the pills properly. She may have taken more than one just to make sure that she doesn't get pregnant, that will surely make her vomit! How long has she been on the pill? First timers sometimes have these side effects such as vomiting, nausea and headaches, it should pass after a couple of days, if it persists then the brand of pill she may be taking has a high dosage for her. Pls, tell your friend to seek professional advised when it comes to birth control pills, it should never be taken on the advised of a lay person or just another friend. Like other medications the pill may also have a different effect on you or your friend.

  2. If she's making herself sick worrying about it she shouldn't be having s*x in the first place. Sounds like she's not ready.A  trip to planned parenthood might be a good idea....just sayin'

  3. If all that happened on Friday, she wouldnt be having the morning sickness already. It takes longer than four days for everything to settle. Take a test when her next period is almost there,like you said. Good Luck

  4. tell her to take pills that will kill the baby so she doesn't have it

    they also have pills so you can have s*x but not be pregnant

  5. It's too soon for pregnancy symptoms.  Could she be throwing up nonstop for other reasons?  The flu?  Alcohol?  She probably isn't pregnant, but all she can do is wait a couple of weeks and take the test again.  (And she's way to young to be having s*x too!  If she's not ready for the responsibilities that go with it, she shouldn't be doing it....not that you can help there)

  6. It sounds to me like she probably didn't have s*x at the right time of her cycle to get pregnant. If it hasn't been long enough to take a pregnancy test than it is probably to early to feel morning sick to (some women get it early but but most don't get sick until their period is supposed to come).

    If she used a condom and is using birth control there is almost no chance that she will be pregnant because each of these methods are 99% effective. Although for future times make sure she knows only to use 1 condom at a time, not many, because they have a higher chance of breaking if there are more than one because they rub together. Bet the best way to stay not pregnant is to stop all together until she is ready to handle the responsibility. If a guy is pressuring her into having s*x that means that he does not respect her. every girl deserves respect.

  7. she should go to the free clinic

  8. If she is on birth control and used a condom then she isn't pregnant.  Though if she hasn't been taking her pills regularly for at least a week or two then it won't be fully effective.

    If they stacked condoms on top of each other then the s*x education where you live is a travesty.  Hopefully she just had tons and tons of teenage s*x and used a different condom each time.

    Also, throwing herself down some stairs is a pretty stupid idea.  She is more likely to break her neck than harm a small 100 cell organism deep inside of her, surrounded by soft cushioning.

  9. i think you should talk with her about the seriousness of s*x. alhough there are forms of "safER s*x" there is no "safe s*x" unless you're married to the one person you're going to be having s*x with for the rest of your life. if you have enough s*x.. you WILL get pregnant.. the odds are completely against you basically. why not just be friends with guys? why do young girls feel it necessary to mess around and have s*x with guys all the time? s*x is supposed to be special.. not "oh i'm dating a guy and he says he loves me.. we're 13 and i know everything about life and love"

    i'm 20, i'm a virgin. i plan to remain a virgin until my wedding night. i want to set an example. respect your body.. it's the only one you'll get.

  10. Take a pregnancy test so she actually knows if she's pregnant!

  11. i dont she spregnant shes probably throwing up because in her head she thinks shes pregnant...but why woudl she think that if she really did use many condoms and realy did take her birth control failthfully....someone is lying to you :D

  12. She's probably not pregnant.  She's making herself sick worrying about it.

  13. dud eno offence but what the h**l is wrong with tis chick?

    15 and on birth controll.

    how many times is she having s*x to take that

    if she has money go to the doctors.if she dont wait and see.

    tehres not much u can really do until u find out if shes actually pregnant or not..

    if she is i advise her on getting an abortion..

    15yr olds shouldnt be having babys..

    i wanted one at 16 and thank god i didnt.. id be pregnant this very second lol (im 16)

    but yeah if shes pregnant dont keep it ayye.

    it will wreck her teenage years..

    just prey to god she isn pregnant..

    also many young girls have misscarrages aswell. so yeah that could happen..

    hope i helped..

    stop having s*x is another thing lol

  14. Jenna. Your friend has seen too many movies. Even if she was pregnant, if she were to throw herself down a flight of stairs, she would be much more likely to break her neck and end up a pregnant quadraplegic than to have a miscarriage. That is just silly, stupid, and misguided. A first-trimester baby is extremely small and extremely well-protected. Your friend cannot "take care of it" herself.

    It's also much more likely that she ate something which disagreed with her, than that she got pregnant in spite of birth control & condoms.

    And if she doesn't know enough about s*x and pregnancy to realize than she can't take a pregnancy test three days after s*x, she ought to stop having s*x. Ignorance and s*x do NOT go together well. Her age is no excuse.

    Tell her to get out of Drama Queen mode and just wait to see if her period is late.

    Edit: No, she does not "know about s*x", that much is obvious. There is more to s*x than putting the parts together and going through the motions. Any idiot can copulate. If she knew *anything* about pregnancy, or even about the workings of her own body, she would not have taken that pregnancy test so soon, and wouldn't be blathering about throwing herself down the stairs if she's pregnant. So she's flying completely blind here. If she doesn't educate herself soon, she is headed for disaster, and will have no one to blame but herself.

  15. ok, relax honey. i know this is a very scary time for both of you. you are CORRECT that she needs to wait until her period next month to know for sure. if she is taking her birth control pills the way she is supposed to and before that Friday if she hadn't accidentally skipped any she should be fine. Dont get yourself all freaked out just yet. just relax and wait and see what can always go to planned parenthood and they can help significantly

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