
My friend needs help, Now!?

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Okay! So my friend is totally in love with this guy and the guy is in love with her but they never ask out each other! So last Chrismas he left and went to Texas! So now my friend got sad but she has his e-mail! But she keep on sending mail to him but he never writes her back! She keep on cry and i keep on telling her to forget about him! And now i don't wat to do?




  1. Let her cry for a while tell her that if he really loved you than he would write back. There will be other people but you should be there for he while she is going through this in little time she will find a new guy and forget about him and when he changes his mind and wants to talk to her well that is another bridge to cross  

  2. Just let her cry. That may sound mean, but there's really nothing that you can do and she'll get over it on her own time.

    P.S. Are you sure it's his correct/current e-mail address??

  3. Tell her she's being pathetic and she needs to get over him.

    It wouldn't work out anyways, seeing as they live in different places. She needs to move on a stop being a baby!!!!

  4. Let her cry for awhile. She will have to learn how to deal with these sort of things for the rest of her life. It's a good charachter building moment. Just be there as a shoulder to cry on.

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