
My friend owes me money...?

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my best friend owes me miney and when ever i bring up the sublect she gets heaps angry.

she always says she doesnt have the money right now, and to stop buging her for it.

its been about 3 months now, and im really a bit short of cash, and she can borrow the money from her parents.

i just don't know how to approach her about it.




  1. Hey then your going to have to bluntly tell her. I need my money, the money wasnt free for you and you were only trying to help her out.So I would tell her that she needed to give me my money.

  2. Tell her what you told us. You are a little short on cash right now and you would really appreciate it if you got the money from your parents to pay you back. However, if it is something trivial like 5 dollars, do you think it's really worth it?

  3. well in the frist place she is not your best friend so you might as well

    forget your money now you know how much it cost to have a best also depends on how much money you lend your so call

    friend you could sue her take her to court   good luck.

  4. ask her if she has a date when she can pay you back. is it a large amount?

    I loaned my brother $2,000.00 about 4 years ago and haven't got it all back. I'm taking it in toes and teeth next week.

    Any way back to your friend, tell her that you are really short and kind of need it.

    Then dont ever loan her or anyone else money again!

  5. use this as a learning experience...never loan money to friends, relatives, etc.  you are not a savings and loan.  either, give it as a gift, or don't give it at all.  

  6. thats why they say that you're never supposed to lend money to friends. just ask her nicely

  7. How much is it?

    Is it enough to lose a friend over?

    Don't give her any more money and move on. You shouldn't give anything away that you actually want back anyway in this day and age. Don't feel bad, I've done the same thing.

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