
My friend wants to tan???

by  |  earlier

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My friend has white pale skin and she wants to get really really tan! She's over my house and she wants to tan in my backyard cuz its really sunny out and she has a couple of questions.

1. How long should she lay on her stomach and then turn on her back to have an even tan?

2.Should she put on sunscreen lotion?

3. Should she put on tanning oil?

4. How long in all will it take to get really tan for her?




  1. well i would suggest to her to not tan as many people would kill for a skin tone like hers but if she insists then tell her to

    1. ten min then ten min then leave it at that for the day.

    2. yes always put suntan lotion on

    3. nope cos i dont know wat it is

    4.a while depending how dark she wants to go!

    hope this helps ur friend!!!!

  2. If she's really white, she needs sunscreen on all the time, not just when she's tanning. No oil, she'll burn, badly. Getting tan takes a different amount of time for everybody, it's just according to how well your skin tans. Probably 2-3 weeks of laying out ona daily basis, with sunscreen on for about 10 minutes each side, would be right for her. Just make sure she wears sunscreen, burning will make your skin peel!

  3. She should lay on her stomach for the same amount of time that she lays on her back.  If she's really pale, she should wear sunscreen (that just blocks the burn, not the tan), but NOT tanning oil, because that will make her pretty badly burned.  If she lays out for about a half hour a day, she should get a good base tan in about a week, and from there, it's easy to get even tanner.

  4. 1. How long should she lay on her stomach and then turn on her back to have an even tan? Equal amounts of time. If she's as pale as you say, 15 - 13 mins max on each side.

    2.Should she put on sunscreen lotion? If she wants to lessen her chances of burning and skin cancer, yes.

    3. Should she put on tanning oil? It does help one tan faster, but if she's quite pale then she shouldn't stay out any longer than around 15 mins each side at this stage and tanning oil or lotion wouldn't be wise.

    4. How long in all will it take to get really tan for her? If she tanned daily, it would take a few wks to get real dark, especially if she's starting out real pale as you say. If she's just tanning on the weekends, then she could have good color in a couple of months as she builds up the time she can stay in the sun without burning.

    At the beginning of the season I start out at 30 mins on each side (but I'm not snow white when I'm untanned) and build up to where I can stay out 6 or 7 hrs at a time. It takes a while to get to that point though, and burning is still possible...not to mention the GREATLY increased risk of skin cancer down the road.

  5. I know that often, in order for really pale people to get tan, they have to burn. And that hurts. Yes, absolutely make sure she puts sun tan lotion on. If she doesn't, she has a high risk of getting Melanoma Skin Cancer, and if she really wants to look good, I'm sure he doesn't want a huge scar on her.  Tanning oil...might not be her best option. Let her just sit and see. It's a thing you have to test. Have her lay 10 minutes on her back, and ten minutes on her front in intervals. Have her lay on her back twice, and on her front twice. That would make it 20 minutes of direct sun on each side. Take her inside for a bit, re-apply sunscreen(Make sure it's not too high of a level, but also, anything below six does not work) Just make sure she isn't getting burned or anything, and she can try again in another few minutes. Give her body time to cool. to get really tan, I'm not sure. It's different with everybody. Try over the course of at least 3 weeks. Not every day. Try every other day.

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