
My friends are boring?

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i like to have fun and be really silly but it seems like all my friends are the oppisite,they are to afraid to act silly and theyre all really serious, like my bff has a job,marching band,and other stuff so shes always to busy to hang out,and were only 15!! actually shes 14,and then when we do hang out 90% of the time shes just really boring,but when she isnt we have a lot of fun, but i think i need to make more friends this year,but how do i make friends with silly people like myself?? i think the problem is im shy at first so then only shy people will be my friends but once im friends with them they are 2 quiet for me =[

idk what to do, i really just need 1 really good bff who likes to have fun like me,what do i do??? i love the friends i have know but i dont really have 1 good bff who i can always have fun with,ya know




  1. AREnt ur best friends gabrielle beck and krystin estes and allison joyce

  2. If that is your goal, you need to overcome that initial shyness.  Just be the silly side of yourself around people.  Lighthearted people don't take life too seriously.  That's the kind of people you want to be friends with, so you need to be that way somewhat yourself.

  3. I know exactly what you mean. I feel like my friends (that I have been friends with for a long time now..) are just too...well...boring...or just don't seem to have the same interests as I do. For example. I met a girl this year and her and I had so much fun together in class! SO many inside jokes, we liked the same music, EVERYTHING! But now she's moving, so...

    I think you should go out and meet new people. If you're going in to a new grade this year, meet new people in class, join clubs to meet people with same interests. Good luck  

  4. just open up to other people or make friends with everyone, then when other people open up to you youll be able to act natural :P

  5. Like you said your only 15! Try to overcome the shyness...try being yourself around new people and you'd be surprised how many interesting friends you could make! Or try joining a club at school! Im 27 and when i was in Highschool, that's kinda the personality i had. I finally overcame my shyness after highschool but i wish i overcame it during highschool...i probably woulda had more fun! Don't hold back girly and live your life because you only 1 chance to be in highschool...just don't cruise with the wrong crowd!
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