
My friends daughter?

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thanks rob your the Best!




  1. I say let her put on a little concealer and some mineral powder .  What is it going to hurt?  This is such a hard age anyway.  I say anything that makes her feel better, as long as its not harmful, go for it.  I mean, we're not talking plastic surgery here.

  2. When I was her age my mother allowed me to go to the tanning be, which will greatly help ones apperance, not sure how her or her mother would feel about that.

    I would also let her wear make up, as long as she's taught how to put it on, a young child with make up on is for sure better than one who is depressed or has low self esteem.

  3. Really I'm not sure if there is anything else, but makeup that could cover it up. That is what I have to do, that happens to me sometimes. I will tell you this though, sometimes people get that coloring under their eyes when they have an iron deficiency.

    Children are so mean.

    Answer my question:;...

  4. She might feel bad about being held back. I can tell she has been by you saying she is in year 6 and is 12. Let her.

    Edit: Well then her whole class must have been held back. When I was in year 6 I was 10-11.

  5. She may have allergies my daughter does and she has dark circles under her eyes.  Make up is a great option if she is taught how to use just enough and not cake it on.  I would allow her or treat her to an outting and get her makeup done for her and see how it looks and if it helps.  By taking her to get it done you or her mother can tell the person why and what you are trying to acheive and they can instruct her on how to apply to get the best results.  Good Luck

  6. First off it is spelled anemic, and she should be taking iron pills or eating iron rich foods to help that.  If she is till having a problem then her mom needs to take ehr back to the doc.

    Second, every 12 year old thinks there is something wrong with them.  They are too tall, too short, too fat, too thin, too pale, too dark.....  Unfortunately, self loathing is all too common at that age.  Encourage her to concentrate on the things she is good at like sports, drawing, beinga good friend whatever.  It may take awhle but kids need to learn to value who they are not what they look like.  it seems a bit unrealistic at that age though I know.

    If her school and her mom will permit her to wear makeup then she could try some under eye concealer and foundation, however I don't know if it would survive the day of an active 6th grader.

    And 11 or 12 are both normal ages for 6th grade.  Some kids are 11 the whole year, but many children are 11 when they start but turn 12 sometime during the year, or are 12 when they start if their state has an early birthday requirement.

  7. Allergies can make you have dark circles or even just nasal allergies.Does she get enough sleep? I would tell her how beautiful that she is. Explain how are imperfections make us who we are and beautiful. I did go through the dark circle stage myself. My mother didn't let me wear make up at all. She didn't want me to wear that make up will make you beautiful. She wanted me to know that I am beautiful.

    At 12 my mother did let me wear clear lip gloss or something with a very very light color in it.

    Maybe try a different hair cut. Is her face dry? Sometimes just using a facial lotion can help? Talk to her peditrician about her dark circles? Vitamin K cream is suppose to help circles but I have never found vitamin k cream in a store.

    Try not to let her feel uncomfortable. I was tall and lanky growing up. Got called Olive Oil from Popeye. It took me years to get over it. My mother never knew this. I had a hard time being in crowds of people. My mother doesn't like crowds and I still don't. You can't fix everything that so kids don't talk. There will always be something. Maybe she is being bullied at school. Maybe she needs to stand up to kids that say this. It could be time to contact the school.

  8. I wouldn't wear make up cos wen i was that age i did and now i am all wrinkly! My mum warned me but i didn't listen.

    Its True!!!
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