
My garden skink won't eat?

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i caught him and i put him near the food and he sticks his tongue out at it.any way i can feed him?




  1. Of course it not eating its stress and scared out of its mind and im guessing you have no idea of what species or temp gradient humidity levels u need.

    u need to release them keeping wild caught lizards is cruel immoral and environmentally reprehensible when a wild animal i removed from its natural environment and put in a confined space it causes massive amounts of stress. this affects herps (reptiles and amphibians) very badly worse than most other orders many die simply from the stress of being in captivity it also weakens there immune system meaning more die from disease. those that survive suffer from stress related behavior disorders, stress related illness and have a shortened life span. there quality of life is pretty bad too

    put it back before u kill it. u want a pet reptile learn how to care for them do the research into the species u want then get one form a reputable pet store  

  2. What are you feeding him? Do you know what he needs for temps and humidity? Do you even know what species of skink you caught? It would be best for the lizard if you release him back where you caught him and try to get one from the store. They can harbor parasites and don't always do well in captivity when wild caught.  

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