
My good friend is...?? ?

by Guest32130  |  earlier

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well there is this girl who i met in school about a year and a half ago and have been good friends since we met we just get each till now i cant read her..she is very touchy type...she has a ways ive always ignored her touchy behavior most guy think she into them but she is not she treats most guys the same..two months ago we were at a party she told me she could no longer be my close friend cuz her bf would get jealous..i was sad but i understood ..then this month we started hanging out again now she is even more touchy than before jumping on me hugging me..but she told me that i was cute and really funny but not her type cuz she likes bad boys and im the sweet shy type..i smiled and said thats fine were friends ne ways she just smiled.her bf is the thug type... im the skater type

yesterday she invited to a football game to tail gate but not sure if i should go cuz her bf might go and i dont want any problems

what should i do?? and what is on her mind does she think i like her or what?? i mean i know im not her type she always dates those thug types..




  1. 1. do you like her?

    2. if yes then go-it might be a good chance to get to talk to her, so what if her bf comes? she invited YOU

    3. if no you jsut like her as a friend then you could still go but u wouldnt want to be there

  2. If you really want to go and you still have sometime before the football game, workout non stop. I had no muscle, then with two day of good training I had huge biceps. No joke.

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