
My guinea pig is bleeeding??

by  |  earlier

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I woke up this morning and went outside with my puppy and my mom yelled for me and i went and looked and there was blood on her nose i got really scared so i took her out of the cage and it looked like she had a scratch there I have three guniea pigs in one cage could they have strachted her my dog stays in a cage but i have cats to or she could of scratched herself or a nose bleed what do you think is wrong




  1. i'd call the vet right now and tell them about your guinea pig.  you may end up needing to take her there, but its better safe then sorry when if comes to your little friend's life.

  2. I'm not sure what you're exactly talking about. Is it your dog or guinea pig that is bleeding? A small scratch on the surface of the nose probably isn't a big deal. If the blood is coming from inside the nose and running out of the nostril, that IS a big deal. It may be best just to see the vet.

  3. take her for a vet visit. rather safe than sorry, right??

  4. Don't panic, all that happened was one of her cagemates gave her a little scratch on her nose. It could've been accidental, so I wouldn't separate them just yet. Just dab it clean with some saline solution daily for a couple of days to ward off infections. If any other attacks cause more serious bleeds I'd separate her from the group for her safety. Sometimes small battles may just cause accidents like this and it may be nothing to worry about.

  5. it could be a scratch.but since your guinea pig is that old it could be a sign of old guinea pig did things like that right before he look and see if your guinea pig is less active or is laying down more than usual.look for other symptoms.i know its hard but i could be wrong.and yes the guinea pigs may have scratched her but since shes so old she can get hurt more easily.

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