
My guinea pig is expecting?

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My g****a pig , Oreo is expecting . (maybe) i know she is due soon if she is prego but , i am still not positive. What do guinea pigs look like when they are pregenent?

(Her lower area is very large and her stomach feels like there are ballons in it?)

Please answer if you have any VALID answers . :)




  1. did she HUMP??? haHAHA

  2. First, I want to appologize for some people that instead of offering help they prefer to be rude. I must agree that breeding is not the right choice because they suffer more than what you think. If she has a pear like belly, she's probably pregnant, and if you feel movements in her belly those are the babies. When she gives birth (if she is pregnant) the babies will come out entirely formed with teeth, nails, hair and what's most incredible they will be able to walk within seconds of birth. If you're housing any females with males take out the male before she gives birth, because there's an extremely possibility that the female and male will mate again after she has given birth and that's not good at all for the girl. If you need more info visit my guinea pig forum at: we have information about breeding.

  3. go to

  4. Why is she expecting? I hope you aren't breeding your guinea pigs on purpose. There are more than enough homeless guinea pigs sitting in shelters and rescues as it is. Breeding is not a trivial thing and it's especially risky with guinea pigs.

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