
My hamster has the hiccups?

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My hamster, Lacey only once or twice made wierd hiccup noises. Why is that?




  1. I don't know if you mean it does it more than once each time or not, but f it continues to do it regularly, you should take it to the vet.

  2. I don't no. But you should take her to the vets? Try be a bit more specific, do you clean her often?

  3. aww! lol, it is nothing to worry about. hamsters get hiccups too, but they usually don't last very long. lacey is fine!

  4. It could have sneezed and when animals sneeze, it is not a very good sign and you need to take it to the vets A.S.A.P!!!!

    But stay calm its not very very very serious

    It could also be a squeak, hamsters squeak when they are scared, hurt , or tired soemtimes they do it for other stuff for no reason and they just do it for the sake of it.

  5. That could just be a squeak - my hamster makes sharp and short "mip" sounds when talking!

  6. Are you sure it didn't sneeze? Hamsters can sneeze too. Check some websites to find out about hamster noises. My hamster made these weird squeaking noises before, but now she is fine. That was ages ago. Nothing happened.

  7. AWW how cute!

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