i have a dwarf [male] hamster. from the first day i got him he was very niceand never bit. i put him in his ball and he ran around forever, an hour and a half later i was able to return him to his cage. i came back to hold him & he was just kinda sitting there. his eyes were open, but he wasnt moving. so i started petting him, under his chin, which he has never been still enough for, and he didnt move, his head just went up and down. i almost had a heart attack, thinking he was dead, but then he looked from side to side, like he was sleep walking. then when i went to let him sniff me he nibbled at my finger. he's acting weird. im wondering if i did something? did i neglect him or make him sick? is there anything i can do?
ive had him since june, and these are the first signs of any problem.