
My hamster is changing?

by  |  earlier

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i have a dwarf [male] hamster. from the first day i got him he was very niceand never bit. i put him in his ball and he ran around forever, an hour and a half later i was able to return him to his cage. i came back to hold him & he was just kinda sitting there. his eyes were open, but he wasnt moving. so i started petting him, under his chin, which he has never been still enough for, and he didnt move, his head just went up and down. i almost had a heart attack, thinking he was dead, but then he looked from side to side, like he was sleep walking. then when i went to let him sniff me he nibbled at my finger. he's acting weird. im wondering if i did something? did i neglect him or make him sick? is there anything i can do?

ive had him since june, and these are the first signs of any problem.




  1. Do not put your hamie in a ball for so long. Let it get lots of fresh water.

  2. aww thats so sad.

    plz see a veternarian!! its the only way! u hav no idea wats wrong with him

  3. if you're using cedar chips stop now!! they can cause deadly respiratory problems!  get him out of there i don't care if you have to roll up some toilet paper for a bed until you get to the store get him out of hit!

  4. See veterinarian

  5. Hamsters are known for "freezing", the behavior you described is very similar to what hamsters do when they freeze. When the hamster "freezes" he is simply focusing his attention on something. This could be a new or different sound or smell. Normally hamsters freeze standing on their hind legs but other positions are also possible. They can remain in this position from anywhere for a few seconds to 3 minutes.As long as there are no other signs of sicknesses in your hamster, this is nothing to be worried about. However if he is freezing for more than 5 minutes at a time, there is cause for concern and a vet visit is a necesscity.

    Also do not put your hamster in his ball for more than 20 minutes in a day. It is not good for his health and can cause dehydration due to no access to water during that time. Try forcefeeding him some water through the syringe to rehydrate him if he is not already drinking his water since his return to the cage.

  6. OMG, an hour and a half? Vets recommend no more than 30 minutes at very most for your hamster to stay in it's ball, hes suffering from dehydration and possible dizziness. offer lots of water, you might want to consider seeing a vet. Always research when doing things with your pet.

  7. he is most likely dizzy from his ball :) take him to see a vet if it conyinues for more than 2 days

  8. If your hamster is changing into a giant hamster you have to warn us.

  9. It almost sounds like your hamster is turning into a zombie!! Argh!! Im joking, sorry to hear about your hamster. Take him to a vet, give him lots of love and treats, maybe he's tried??

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