
My hamster is losing weight!?

by  |  earlier

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i know hes not sick but he is very picky about his foods.

and he is losing weight!

what kind of foods could i give him to help him reach a healthy weight?




  1. You can feed him some high protein foods (not too much, just in the place of your normal treats) like -

    Hard boiled Egg

    Plain unsalted cheese

    Skimmed milk

    In my experience, I have noted that formula feed has helped a lot to keep the health of underweight hamsters. This is the formula that is available for new born kittens in pet shops. You can feed your hamster the same through a syringe.

    Also get some vitamin drops to mix with his water bottle (you get that at all pet shops) to balance for the vitamins he is losing by not eating properly.

    Any drastic loss of weight ca be due to an underlying sickness, so keep a close watch on him for other symptoms.

    Weight loss can also happen when the hamster has diabetes, if you note the weight loss in combination with excessive drinking of water and excessive urination, you might have to take him to a vet for consultation.

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