
My hamster??

by  |  earlier

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She started to make these noises at random times like a week ago. They sound like when you squeeze ketchup out of a bottle and it makes that noise but its really short and quick. She has no other problems but I was wondering if I should take her to the vet and what it could be!




  1. my hamster does the same thing i was going to take her to the vet but she stopped and shes been fine since

  2. I am very sorry to hear this and I dont know much about hamsters but I dont think there is much a vet could do for a rodent. But if you say she is still acting fine then hopefully nothing is wrong and its just gas, hiccups or coughing.

  3. this is normal for hamsters.

    it's just their noise.

  4. Farts

  5. Take her to the vet, hamsters are very fragile...she could be very ill.

  6. take her to the vet and vote Bob Barr ( the peanut farmer) for president

  7. If shes  a new pet mabey shes scared...if not she could have an injury you may not be able too see! Try to get her some vet care! Hope this helped!
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