
My hamsters 's legs are paralyzed?

by  |  earlier

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my hamster crawls on its front. he dosent use his back legs anymore. how much longer will he live?




  1. His spine is broken.  It isn't life-threatening, but you should take him to a vet to make sure he's not in pain.  He probably fell or was dropped.  Poor little guy.  :(

  2. that's really really sad, take him to the vet. i really hope he gets better =[

  3. awwwww thats sad! i feel bad. i dont know how much he will live for but he must be unhappy. you know not to be mean or anythiing but hamsters dont live for that long anyway. i love hamsters. i think you should go to the vet. but i dont know if they will tell you anything for a hamster

  4. Tough ****, buy a new one? Not to be cruel, but they aren't known for there longevity.

  5. why don't you take him to a vet???

    that would be the wise thing to do if you want him to live

  6. they can live actually as long as a normal hamster would live.

    this one girl adopted this hamster cause somebody droped it and it became paralyzed, and she said its doing fine.

  7. Poor little guy.

    He probably wont live much longer. They only live like 2 years in the first place but an injury or disease that's caused him to be a paraplegic isnt good. Say your hamster prayers =(

  8. well h**l live as long as hes treated well and gets the right nutrition. i mean...he needs exercise..and if he seems to crawls around on the front legs at least he can move

    but usually they live 2-3 years...i had one that lived for 5 1/2 tho...

  9. How sad, he may live another month he may die tonight.It all depends on how his insides are coping with his paralysis, and what caused it in the first place.if it was a poison of some type it will die sooner than if it was a back injury or something that caused it.I bet he's in pain.Poor thing

  10. 1. Are you from Baltimore? So am I!  :)

    2. Depends. How mobile is your hamster using his two front paws? Does he seem to be moving around relatively all right or is he straggling? If it appears that he is in pain, I would take him to the vet to have him euthanised. It would be mean to keep him alive if he's in such pain.

  11. he proply has some pain in his legs and will not walk on them but take him to the vet

  12. Is his back broken? dose he use his legs at ALL?

    he could of eaten something toxic witch could of caused a brain problem. If hes still eating and drinking he might be ok if you get him to a vet asap

  13. It could be neurological or a back injury only the vet can tell you for sure, you better bring him to the vet though only the vet will know the best course of action for the situation. I once accidentally dropped my hammie he fell on his back, he couldn't use him legs at all after but after a few minutes he got better thank god I felt so terrible. Just bring him to the vet for his sake he may be in severe pain that you don't know of and the vet may be able to help with that

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