
My home page won't open!?

by  |  earlier

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Browser(Safari) works fine with any other address, but my My Yahoo! home page suddenly won't open. When I hit reload, it appears, but when I click anything on it, that item vanishes. anyone else have this problem? Solutions?




  1. If you upgrade your computer software, change computers, delete your Internet files, or click Sign Out at any time, the cookie that My Yahoo! uses to remember who you are will be erased from your computer's hard drive.

    To restore your personalized information, enter your Yahoo! ID and password on the Sign-in page and click Sign In. You don't need to re-register.

    Tip: When you sign in using your Yahoo! ID and password, your browser remembers this information by setting a cookie. We've provided a checkbox on the Sign-in page so that you won't have to sign in each time you come back. (We may ask you to re-enter your password if you've been away from the computer for too long. By default, the cookie will expire after eight hours.)

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