
My house smells like dog?

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We got a puppy 3 days ago and the whole house smells like her. How do we get rid of the smell? we've used lysol, cleaned the floors and we always clean very well after she does her business on the floor or carpet




  1. A lot of the dog smell comes from slober and ears, not just from what they leave on the floor.  Give her a good bath, clean her well, then try to kennel her until she's trained.  A high quality food will lesson the smell, try wellness, it helped me.  Also, make sure that you are giving her chew toys that help to freshen her breath, that will make the slobber smell less.  

    I know this sounds silly, but they make perfume for dogs.  You may want to try out a cheap bottle and see if that helps too.  Just remember - treat the dog, not the house.  That's the surer way to fix the problem.  See some here:

    Good luck with your new baby!

  2. Well if you have a dog smells are going to linger... You have to decide early on if you are going to let your puppy up on your furniture.. If you are well you're house is going to smell... If you aren't get a nice pet bed that you can simply toss into the washer!  

    Vacuum your floors and other soft surfaces often like once a week or so... I sprinkle the carpets with baking soda once a month leave it on overnight and vacuum the next day... BS is a natural odor neutralizer.  If the dog has accidents in the house it's important to get to them immediately... I would suggest using pee-pee pads to keep the incidents contained... Once on the carpet it can soak into the padding.. If it's on carpeting... Use a wet/dry shop vac and extract the mess and use a bucket of soapy water and scrub area throughly... Extract water with wet/dry vac..... You can also get an enzyme based spray to "eat" up pet messes....

    Some people think that crate training a dog is cruel... On the contrary.. Dogs needs place to call their own, sleep and get away from everyone... It's also a nice place to leave your pet when you can't be home.... He's safe and not getting into trouble....!  It also keep accidents down since you put your pet in their at night- you have control over where/when they go to the bathroom... OUTSIDE!  To keep pet messes down... Take puppy outside immediately AFTER playtime, and meals... As soon as, they are out of their kennel/crate.  This is an easy potty traiining method...

    Good luck

  3. There is a solution that called "Odor Be Gone" It get rid of pet, smoke and all other annoying odors great, and it's safe to use around pets, kids, etc., You can find it online or hardware stores>

  4. make sure she dosnt do it on the carpet or inside for that matter. taker her outside. and i wold get some air freshiners, febreese outlets work good.

    also open some windows, let your house air out

  5. There's always going to be some lingering dog smell.  You can keep up good grooming techniques.  Fabreeze?  If she gets on the furniture or you have area rugs, I would lay them out in the sun for an hour or so and the smell disappears.  We did that with our couch cushions and it aired it out and there's no more smell (well not until he lays on the couch again).

  6. I use Arm and Hammer carpet care, for houses with pets (It is a powder you sprinkle and vacuum up).  It is in the cleaning section with the vacuums.  It has a nice clean smell, and it worked great in my house.  No lingering orders either.

  7. For pet stains on carpet or fabrics I mix hydrogen peroxide and water, 1/2 and 1/2. Add as much baking soda as will dissolve, to take care of odor.  Saturate, blot, sniff and repeat.

    For overall smell, I've also used the Arm and Hammer stuff someone else mentioned and it's nice.  I just got one of those Oust things that automatically sprays every so often, but hate it.  It's too heavy a smell to spray it every half hour.  I might try a different flavor.

  8. Open your windows and turn on a fan.

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