
My iPod battery keeps dying

by  |  earlier

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So earlier i was trying to play 7 things on my ipod and it just kept going back to the home screen. then when i tried it 3 times the ipod just shut down. (by the way the ipod was almost completely charged when this happened) I turned it back on it was red (almost dead for you people that dont know.)

Is there any way to fix this.




  1. Song sucks so bad that its causing the iPod to crash?

    Maybe you should get a few song file.

  2. When those type batteries get to the end of their useful lives they cannot hold a charge anymore. They become useless doo-doo. The folks at Apple are soooo clever they make a product you love and invest a lot in, but cannot service yourself. Send it to Apple to have a new battery put in and you can love it  again. It'll cost you all your mad money, but you love it, so you'll pay. It was a really high quality battery.

    If you're really good at repairing electrinic things, get a new battery and very carefully open the monster up and fix it. The early I-Pods had their batteries glued on the hard drive and getting them out often also destroyed the hard drive. There must be tips on the web about doing this without killing the I-Pod, but I don't have the link- ain't going there, since I'm an Archos lover, with its user serviceable battery, video recording capability and bigger screen- have 14 movies on it and room for more. An I-Pod battery is good for almost 2 years, I read in Popular Mechanics, or Popular Science, but I take what they say with a grain of salt. If your Pod is too much younger than that, Apple owes you a new one, and they'll probably give you one too, but not your music and other files.

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