
My iguana keeps sneezing?

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my iguana keeps sneezing is he sick?




  1. Sneezing in a herp is usually a sign of a respiratory infection.  Take him to a vet that works with herps and raise the temperature in his pen.  Iguanas need a hot humid environment.  I have had that problem before due to air conditioning in the home, I built a cage for them outside (I live in the deep south) and they did great, and they loved dandelions which would grow in the cage.  good luck.

  2. no, he's not sick.

    he's just releasing extra salt- it's the only way they can do it

  3. If he is eating, active, and no apparent discharge from the nostrils, mouth, etc, he should be fine.

  4. is this sneezing behavior new, or are you a new iguana owner.  

    It is normal for iguanas to "sneeze" stuff from their salt glands.  It willl leave a whitish film on the cage when it dries.  

    If this is a new sneezing thing then he should see a vet.

  5. Sneezing/Snalting is what iguanas do to get rid of salt in there bodies ... it is normal ... if your iguana has a lot of residue you can get a warm wash cloth and rub of as much as you can

    If you feel that it is something else, please do take your iguana to a herp/reptile vet.

    Sites for you to read: - -

    A great book to read and have on hand:

    Iguanas for Dummies by Melissa Kaplan

    Yahoo has some great sites for Iguana owners... these groups helped me and still help w/ questions .. if you'd like to join: -

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