
My jonas brothers fan site?

by  |  earlier

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i am going to make a jonas brothers fan site on live journal if u have any good ideas for what i should put on it or how to make it better please tell me

if u have ever made a jonas brothers fan site can u send me the link and kinda tell me how u did it or how u made it good i guess

haha thanks in advanced




  1. Ummm I don't like jbs! sorry..

  2. well, there is one fan site that if you've had a "jonas encounter" you can send it in. You should def. do that. I  love reading those. Also like link to there youtube vids and stuff cuz sometimes i'm looking on fansites and I notice they have a new video. Also, like listing all the lyrics to all the songs cuz that helps sometimes when I want to prove something to my friends.And also if you could put like what tv shows they'll be appering on, because they sometimes don't put them all on their myspace. thanks! i hope it AWESOME!

  3. put out bullitens asking for people to send links to their concert pics and post them.i've always wanted to make a web site:]

    talk about rumors.true or pics,news about them,etc.

    call it joe bros 4 lyf

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^keep it cool:]

  4. Well you should maybe to a little biography on each of them, even the bonus jonas Frankie and put a lot of pictures of them on tour and maybe put some lyrics to there song and maybe you could even promote there new cd "A little bit longer", and go on there myspace ( and take videos and stuff and post it on your site and promote all there song they have on itunes and here is the most popular fan site they have, the girls who invented it won awards and everything so you can get a lot of great ideas from them aswell...

    there official fan site...

    and award winning none official fan site...

    Hope I helped...

  5. every one of their music videos in order of year.

    pictures of them, their family, and celeb, friends.

    their hobbies,fave movies,games,etc.

    website names:



    burning up jonas .com

    there are some ideals for names.

  6. Maybe

  7. like what they like and stuff

    call it we love the jonas's

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