
My kitten got spayed....and?

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my kitten got spayed on Friday....and around where the stitches are it's still a lil swollen..........the vet told me not to let her jump......but every now n' then when i'm not paying total attention to her, she'll jump on the couch, or on the dresser....

so i'm just wondering as to how long the are should stay swollen.......




  1. Swelling is fine (trust me, I just had surgery myself!)  So long as they are dry and not an angry red and very hot to the touch, she is fine.

    They will probably stay a bit swollen for the first week.  If you can't keep her from jumping, you many have to confine her to a room where she can't get into a lot of trouble, like the bathroom when you can't keep an eye on her.

  2. Slight swelling is not abnormal.  If the area looks red, oozing, or the incision seems open at all, get her in to your vet to have them take a look.  If you're concerned about it in any case, they should be willing to look at the incision area without charging you anything.  As far as keeping her quiet, I tell people to just do the best you can.

  3. Your little girl is feeling better and unless she really seems to be overdoing it, I would not worry.  The swelling will come down gradually and should be gone in a few days.  Don't forget your vet will be more than happy to answer any questions you have.

    Good Luck and thank you for spaying your cat!

  4. Hard to keep em from jumping. Keep an eye on the stitches -- oozing? redness? If so, take kitty to the vet.

    The VERY worst thing that can happen, besides an infection -- is that the stitches open up (sometimes the cat or dog will bite em open) and her innards start coming out-- no I am not joking -- it is a RARE occurrence, but it has happened at times.

  5. Shouldn't be long.....just keep an eye on them and look for any changes.  If they become more swollen or puffy....or if she acts sleepy or sickly....then check back in with the vet.

  6. You CAN'T keep a cat from jumping.. the vets just tell you that so you'll do the BEST you can to encourage her to stay calm and quiet.

    Keep an eye on that swolen spot. If it's red, very swollen, or hot to touch then see a vet.. if it appears to be getting better, then just let her be and keep an eye on it.  

  7. its normal to have a little swelling near the incision site just keep an eye on it you will be able to tell if something isnt right with it

  8. Not a problem. When I had my kitten spayed she was swollen for a few days, and I was told to watch her to make sure she wasn't doing too much jumping, but really what you need to look out for is if her stitching looks like it's oozing or bleeding at all. If it is - it could be infected, and you should take her in to fix the problem ASAP - but if it's not, then she's fine. She's probably moving around more because she's feeling better!

    Good luck to you and your baby kitty!

  9. She is probably fine.  If you are worried about the incision, you may want to take her and have her checked out. Most vets do not charge to do a re-check.  Infections in spay incisions are fairly common if they l**k at the incision.  Stitches are definitely better than skin glue, which my vet used to use. I have had two have complications and have to go back for staples.  Now they pretty much let me choose whether to do glue or stitches.  Unless they are feral, I always do stitches instead of skin glue.  Just keep an eye on her.  If she is wanting to jump around, that probably means she is going to be just fine.

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