
My laptop has almost no power.?

by  |  earlier

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My laptop seems to have an amazingly short battery life. If i charge it up fully (Which takes hours) I get about 20, 30 minutes battery life max. If i plug it in, it over heats and resets in a matter of minutes (Even less if i am playing a game) Also, i sometimes plug it in at about 40% battery life (In the hope to unplug it before it over heats) and when i do unplug it, the laptop just turns off and when i try to turn it back on, it has absolutely no energy left. I have to plug it in to get it up again. I have tryed getting a new battery and that didn't help. Any suggestions would be great.





  1. Can you post the brand, model, and what year it is from? Laptops models vary greatly for battery life so this info would help a lot.

  2. Custom order a new one for free, just do some simple quick and easy surveys

  3. The only thing you can do is get a new battery, mines acting up at the mo and i got an email from ACER telling me i need a new one.

    ooops sorry youve tried a new battrey, myabe your just running too many things at once? Draining the power that way?


  4. try cleaning the fan out

  5. Your battery needs to be change. Sometimes laptop tends to act like this especially when used over time. Overcharging might also cause this problem of yours. Next time when charging make sure to unplug it when fully charge.

  6. Get a new laptop, that laptop must be old :)

  7. Like mobile phones, laptop batteries should be fully drained before charging, perhaps that's why you're not getting the maximum output from it. Buy a new battery & try that or buy a new laptop & start afresh.

  8. well u might need a new battery for ur laptop i had the same problem if that doesn't work take the battery back and make up some reason or u might have a problem with ur laptop hope it helps

  9. Something is wrong either with your charger or the charging circuit inside the laptop.

    It should not overheat when running on the charger.

    Try getting a replacement charger on e-bay.

  10. buy a new laptop its not working

  11. have you tryed changing your power plan

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