
My little baby is going bald?

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hi, my little boy is going bald, his hair on top is pretty much completely gone and all he has left is hair around the sides and back...the poor thing looks like a little old man, this normal and when will it grow back? Thanks for any answers!




  1. LOL how old is he?

    My son was born with a lot of hair but lost nearly all, hehe, he looked like a baldy old man too but now he has almost all of it back.

    He's almost 7 months old

    God Bless

  2. A lot of babies do lose their hair.  My daughter lost all of her baby hair and when it grew back it was really thick and full.  It took almost a year to grow back so I put headbands on her so that people would know she was a girl.

  3. lol its perfectly normal!

  4. VERY normal. Babies are often born with hair that they lose in a couple of months. It often grows in a different color or something.

    my daughter was born with dark brown hair and one day all her hair had fallen out and was in the back of her car seat.

    took many months to grow back - but it came in blond curly.

  5. Haha..yup my little girl started to lose the hair on the top of her head when she was a few weeks old..she is 12 weeks and still looks like a little old man..poor thing!!..but she is slowly growing hair on the top of her I think it takes a while.

  6. its normal my son was born with a full head of hair but all he lost was on the back and sides where he would rub his head in his car seat bed or any other place he was. the top how ever has just got thicker and longer and the sides and back are now growing back in and he is 6 months. my mom told me that when i was born i had the darkest black hair she ever saw and that it fell out and i got blonde hair. lol everyone is different

  7. well it might be a ringworm for skin infection you should take him to the skin doc

  8. My sons hair did exactly the same thing! My brother laughed at him until his sons hair did the same thing. I think it's quite common and both babies grew their hair back within 2-4 weeks.

  9. My eight week old had the same thing happen at about 4 weeks. She still has brown hair around the bottom, but the "bald spot" is having blonde hair of a different texture grow in.

  10. Don't worry. It's absolutely normal.

    Sometimes it's even funny like with my kids. They were born with a lot of hair and then they lost the top so they looked like little old men. Then while the top was growing back, they lost the back and the sides!!!

    So at one point, they had hair on top only! Hilarious!

    It all grows back eventually and now they have the most beautiful hair.

  11. i agree with chris but it also might b juss becuz he is a baby becuz when he gets older his hair will grow bak again so dontworry that happened to alota babies no big deal =)

  12. Ya he will get it back.  My little brown babies did the same thing.  They are so cute when they look like those little old people. Specially the boys.

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