
My little man hates tummy time

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any ways to help him like it or give him the upper body strength it is supposed to promote without putting him on his tummy?




  1. my son HATED tummy time and would only tolerate 2-3 minutes of it...But I took what i could get and I put him on his tummy like 5-10 times a day for those 2-3 minutes. Maybe if you havent already can lay down with him and let him see you. He wont feel as bad maybe. But my son didnt like it until just now...4 months.

  2. The baby safe mirror worked great for me and my son .. I just placed the mirror in front of us and then I layed down beside him and made faces in the mirror at him .. he loved it!  Each day we spent more minutes on our tummies together and incorporating other toys he loved, etc ..

  3. You can let him push up while lying on your tummy. Some take longer than others. He will be fine.

  4. not really, lay him on something soft with different textures like chenille or satin and may like it better

  5. I think "tummy time" is a myth.  I doubt they worried about lying their babies on their tummies back in the Middle Ages, and they had upper body strength and were able to walk.

  6. Lay down with him and put him on your stomach.  Talk to him while he is there and pat his head and back.  He may like that better.

  7. try dangling toys for him to play with. you can even put a mirror in front of him so he can look at himself.  

  8. Well putting a baby on it's stomach can actually hurt the baby.  I remember when I was in sixth grade, my teacher's wife accidently killed a baby by leaving it on its stomach while it was sleeping.  The problem is that the baby can't breathe.  Maybe if you were to get him a toy where he had to use his arms, or if you put him on a pillow he'll get stronger.  One thing though, don't worry too much.  He'll get stronger eventually.

  9. Try putting him on a boppy and involve a mirror ,reading or toys

  10. Most babies don't like it at first.  How old is your little man?  Even if it's just for a minute or two several times a day it will help.  And when he does get stronger he'll last longer at it.

    I am terrible at remembering to do tummy time.  And he likes to lay on his back and watch all the stuff hanging over him!  (Play gym).

    I carry my little guy upright alot and watch his head.  The baby Bjorn has helped too.  Or he does tummy time on me or dad.

    Hope that helps!

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