
My male area...................?

by  |  earlier

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i shaved my pubes and now i have like a...goatee on my balls..they itch way bad and i need help for easing the itch..




  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... jeez that took awhile to type. but NEVER shave em

  2. itch cream from the drug store  

  3. Next time get waxed, so much easier and lasts so much longer,

    get an exfoliation glove and use that and body wash in the shower so you wont get ingrown hairs and that will be even worse than what you have now, get an EXFOLIATION GLOVE, they are like $4 from a chemist


  4. LOL

    That'll teach ya.

  5. you can add talcum powder to that area and it will definitly ease the itch. i've tried it

  6. lol Try some lotions.. Did you use shaving cream? I once shaved my area down below with soap and not shaving cream and I had the worst itch imaginable.

    Go to the pharmacy and get vagisil I guess. lol That's used for womens itch so it may help. Read the fineprint..

    Try some lotion of any kind.  

  7. Take a cold shower.  Don't itch it and it will eventually go away.  There are many creams and powers out there you just gotta try something for like jock itch or contact you doctor and ask for some anti itch for that area.

  8. Try some of that anti itch cream it could work or just keep shaving them when they get hairy. You shouldnt of done that anyway all that's gonna happen is theyll grow in thicker, faster and way more

  9. You have to keep shaving before they grow too much, or if you wish to grow your pubic hair back keep moisturising the balls and add talcum powder til the itch goes away.

  10. all you need is hydrocortisone cream it will stop the itch and heal youre skin

  11. Ah I remember that happening myself. When you first shave your pubes they itch a bit. In a couple days it should go away. Keep on shaving your pubes and you won't feel them itching, your pubes will be used to being shaved.

    regards: j~swift

  12. This is normal. The itch will go away in a couple of days. Until then, you could use baby powder or some other gentle anti-itch powder.

  13. That's very s**y..a goatee on the balls. Please post pics next time so we can properly help  you.

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