
My male cat keep disapearing ?

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my male cat keep wondering off, sometimes for days at a time. my mum says this is normal for a tom cat, but i get worried as he is not getting fed by me in this time,

is it normal?




  1. get him fixed

  2. Absolutely normal for a full tom. The only way to stop him is to have his nuts reemoved!

  3. He needs to be neutered badly!! There is untelling how many litters he has. If you neuter him he won't wander off as much and decreases his chances of getting injured or killed.

  4. Yes this is normal for an unneutered male. It also means that he is mating and causing the birth of more homeless unwanted kittens. Keep him inside unless your willing to get him fixed. I realize this isn't your irresponsibility it's your moms, but it is very irresponsible.

  5. yes he is out playing in cats world. he goes to places where he can go and take a nap. where no one  will bother him.  

  6. It is quite normal, he's off after the ladies. They often disappear for several days and come home starving hungry and tired out.You ought to have him neutered, that will cut down on the wandering and maybe even save his life, as tomcats often cross roads with their minds on other things, rather than the traffic. Plus you'll help to reduce all those poor kittens that are always desperate for a home.

  7. Very normal for a tomcat that's not fixed.  He probably has parented hundreds of kittens.  I assume he is not fixed or he would stay home.  

  8. Be warned!

    kittens coming soon...

    OMG u'r going to be a grandfather LOL

  9. Dont worry, this is normal. He will have a territory and be patrolling it. He will also be chasing any female cats "in heat" that are around and that can take a few days. As to food, he will either catch his own or his mind will be on other things! He could also be fighting off any rival males for females in his patch- so check him for battle scars and any that look serious let a vet look at. sorry but he's just a red blooded male!  Even if you get him doctored he will still do it but not to the same degree and would become fat and lazy  

  10. Yes this is normal for a tom.  There obviously are females in heat close by.  He may be gone at least a week, maybe 3, but he'll be back.  When he does come home, I would make him an indoor kitty because of all the dangers outside.

  11. Yes it is. You'll want to have him neutered ASAP so he'll stay closer to home instead of looking for females.

    Good luck!

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