
My maltese is mixed with...?

by  |  earlier

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When I got my pup from a litter I was told he was Maltese x silky.. I have never been convinced as my previous dog was actually one and they dont look the same, similar but not same. I believe he is mixed with a different breed... Bichon... as he is also larger than the std maltese. Do you agree?




  1. I think he's very cute with whatever he's mixed with.  To me it looks like either bichon or poodle. Good for you for giving him a good home!

  2. who knows what he is. could be a maltese, could be a silky (which are larger than a yorkie or a maltese btw), could be a maltese.

    but that's what you get when you buy a BYB's dog.

  3. anything is possible secondly no two mutts will every look alike, that's just the way it is. You want uniformity you go with purebreds. Secondly unless a purbred maltese who fit the breed standard to  a t was used to breed this animal there is every chance it it being larger. Over sizing occurs in all breeds.

    In the end a mutt is a mutt so what does it matter?

    ADD: since you are too much of a punk to allow contact I'll say it here - I'm a mutt my son is a mutt and its MS ***** and i'm proud to be a mutt.

    You need to go and pull the tree thats up your @$$ out of it. You asked a question and I answered it very nicely in fact and gave a valid opinion in regards to the fact that you should not expect one mutt type to look like another mutt from the same pairing.

    I also said it was possible it was a different mix than stated but that basing your assumption off the simple fact it doesn't look like your previous dog and is bigger than the standard maltese was false. You have a mutt that means the breeding could have result in ANYTHING either what you expected or didn't expect.

    I'm sorry if I didn't give you a list of possible mixes; but  you asked for a simple answer agree or disagree and you got it. Its possible the dog is another mix just like its possible for it be what was stated. Maybe you should learn to comprehend what you are being told.

  4. I think you're right.  Maltese/Bichon.  That would explain the size and it looks like he may have curly hair too....

  5. looks a lot like a friends maltipoo

  6. no 2 dogs of the same mix will look exactly alike!

    Even 2 dogs from the same litter will be different.  Dogs dont automatically get certain traits frome each parent when you breed mixes..  genetics are a c**p-shoot at best.

    I know 2 people who have cockapoos from the same litter.. one favors the cocker more, its buff colored and has a cocker coat, and the size of a cocker..  the other is white with a curly coat and smaller like a poodle.

    I think Silky is more correct.  He has kind of a grey-ish tint to the coat.  Maltese and Bichons are both white.

  7. you bought a mutt, you got ripped off either way.  Enjoy the over priced mutt that you could have found in a shelter.

  8. poodle

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