
My memory sucks why?

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why does my memory suck so bad? i read things from my text book or something like that and i can never rember what i just read and i will read it again and again and i can not seem to rember why?




  1. You may have poor circulation to the brain, try taking Ginko biloba and acetyl-l-carnitine, both can be found in the vitamin section of any supermarket.

  2. if you don't wanna go to the doctor like "I'm Naked" says u should just relax you probable have way to many things on ur mind right now so take a deep breath and don't worry about it

  3. Student eh? Our memory sucks when we need to commit a lot of info to it. Well, they say part of it is due to the things you eat e.g really sour fruits (green apples), fish head (the fish brain no good maybe). I'm not sure if stimulants work wonders because in my biology book, it says while they increase your awareness, it may slow down your brain performance. Raisins are good for your brain so give em a try. U have to eat them often though.

  4. Do what "I'm Naked" tells you, and seriously consider seeing a doctor as soon as possible because those are direct symptoms of ADHD.

  5. Hmm... do you have a mental disability? Are you a squirrel? Are you a mentally disabled squirrel?

  6. You say text book. If you are only having problems remembering things from text books, I would say it's because you find the information boring or confusing. I could spend all day reading the same paragraph and not know what it says because it just doesn't make sense, or because I'm thinking about something else the entire time I'm reading.

    If it's your memory sucking in general, maybe your brain just needs eexercise Play some brain games like brain age from ds, or do some simple math problems on your own.

    try a cup of coffee. Stimulants can do wonders for brainpower.

    Or, quit smoking weed if you do. (sorry to bring it up if you don't) weed eats your memory making skills.

  7. mine too i can't remmber wot colour eyes my wife has lol
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