
My mom depresses me a lot?

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It's usually hard for me to wake up in a decent mood.On the rare occasion that I do,she's in a crappy mood and bi*tching so it just takes it all away.I have told her this but she can't help it I guess.What can I do?




  1. It depends how old you are.  I am guessing a teenager.  I would detach from your mom and observe when it is a good time to be around her.  I have a pretty S****y mom also (but I am not a teen)

    My mother is unpredictable, dishonest and shelfish.  But she has her good points.  She is smart, can be loving and artistic.

    I make an effort to get support from other people and from myself. I am trying to just accept her for what she is and move on.  I feel better.

    Go to school, get good grades and eventually a really good job..then you can move far away and not have to deal with her crappy moods.

    Go For IT!

  2. talk to me. ill try to help you

  3. First thing in the morning both of you do some work out or yoga either together or separately.Daily morning compulsory drink a fruit juice or a bowl of fruits.You can see the whole day goes smoothly.If your mother is in menopause period,you please compromise with her.If you have PMS(premenstrual syndrome) tell her to adjust in those days.Be like friends.Understand each other.Always plan the next day's work earlier and avoid rushing in the morning.This prevent the tension in mornings.

  4. Have a conversation with your mom.

    Ask her why she is feeling upset.

    lend her your ear for a little while and maybe this could help.

    She is probably tired of the same old routine.  

    Good Luck.

  5. My father used to be the meanest SOB when I was in high school. I can relate. I even quit college later and moved out because I couldn't take it no more. My advice now would be to -don't let bitchy people control your life. I meen, keep doing what yur doing to better your life and ignore those kind of people because--they will always be around. After your mom, next it will be a bitchy co-worker. There will always be someone to p**s you off come along. Be strong and ignore!  

  6. you can and should stop looking to your mom for your validation.  you have the ability to create your own happiness and peacefulness of mood, and that is what you need to do.  there is nothing that forces you to accept her mood, what goes on inside your mind is totally under your control...just because she is in a rotten mood, doesn't mean that you have to be.  

  7. Why is your mother so unhappy?  I certainly don't mean to imply that it's your fault.  Just that maybe you could help her sort out her problems (VERY tactfully!)

  8. My mom's mood (much like your mom's) made my upbringing a nightmare!

    Mothers, who are not good listeners, are not easy to tell anything, since they always have something else on their mind, bills, relationships, YOU, whatever...

    Since YOU cannot change anybody; YOU need to think about YOURSELF & protect yourself from the negativity.

    It's easy to do....

    by the time I was a HS soph & really understood that I am never going to get anywhere with my mom, I started to find interests that I could turn to in order to keep my spirits high.

    I learned to play instruments, I played handball, I learned meditation, I started to appreciate art, photography, architecture and started to learn about gourmet cooking (I needed a few avenues of "escape" for when she was really 'beastin' about something)

    Junior & senior year (and basically every year after that) of HS I had developed such a wide range of interests, I didn't have time to hear what she was b**ching about.

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