
My mom is irresponsible?

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My is acting like a child. we recently moved to a new place after she broke up with her boyfried.

She is always smoking and partying, stayin out late nights and sometimes coming home @ 5 am,, she is 42 ans still acts like a kid.

She has not been payin the rent and makes no effort to do so, so hardly buys food for me and my sister and when she does it only for a day or 2.

Anyways recently yesterday we got a notice of eviction and i am wayy pissed off because she just takes life for a big joke.

I have been trying to get a job to help , but no luck.

I dont know what else to do,,i feel like running away.




  1. never give up looking for a job, so if u  look for it again and again u will  find a job,

    about mum,,,,

    well its her choice of do this in life rather than have a warm house and loving family, its a pity but u cant change it  as long as she dont want to, so dont feel down and just keep looking for a job,

    some times ppls negative behaviour has  a greta afect on our life and made us a  greta person, so good luck

  2. Dun run away.

  3. First, I'm sorry to hear about your situation - it happens, but, is not easy to deal with.  Before calling Childrens Services, consider making a list of all the adults in your life you trust.  Is there somebody out there you can confide in?  Somebody you and your sister move in with even if it is temporary?  The problem with calling Children's Services is that they'll probably find something to bust your mother on which might make a big problem a huge problem.  

    So, basically, this sounds like you need to find adult friends to help you and your sister  -  good luck  

  4. Call DCF yourself..Where is your father (if he is still in the picture)?

    There is no talking to someone that behaves like this, so you will have to do what is best for yourself and your sister and call the authorities if you have gotten to the point of your pending eviction.

    Search for the department of children and families inn your state.

  5. you should definitelly not get a job with the idea of helping out with money. she is your mother, she is supposed to take care of you, not the other way around. it is her responsibility to be the bread winner if he is not willing to settle down with a husband. she wants to act like a child - leave her to her own devices.

    my mother was exactly the same! i left home and stopped supporting her financially, now shes had to grow up!

    it hurts, but it is the right thing to do.

    go live with some friends, or other relatives. it will be the best thing you ever do.  

  6. You don't say how old you and your sister are.  If you are young teenagers and still at school, could I suggest you tell this problem to a counsellor at school?  It's not right that you have to live this way - it's never right to neglect your children.  If you are at school, you can look for an after school job if you like but it's not your responsibility to feed and clothe yourself.  It's your mum's responsibility.  It's a dangerous situation to be in if you are going to be evicted.

    There is lots of help out there sweetheart, you just need to make a start.  If you dont want to talk to a counsellor at school, how about one of the telphone counselling services?  Do it today.

    Life is good out there, take the step to get your life happening.

    I hope it all works out.

  7. You say she never buys food for you, and you're 19? Does the term get a job mean anything? You're old enough to make your own money and make a contribution at least. Your mom shouldn't have to do it all. Especially for a 19 year old.

    If you feel like running away, do so. I'm sure that's one less problem your mom will have to worry about, then you will have to support yourself.  

  8. do you have any relatives nearby? any close friends? if you tell an adult that you are close to, they can figure out if you should stay with your mom or foster family or aunt/uncle.  

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